Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a video of Muslim jihadists chasing after an innocent man (believed to be an Iraqi soldier) in Iraq, and then murdering him in cold blood: PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN IRAQ, SYRIA, PAKISTAN AND SOMALIA
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Major Muslim Leader: “we will see the enforcement of Sharia law”
By Theodore Shoebat Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, the Muslim leader of the Islamic country of Brunei, has announced that the enforcement of Sharia will be carried out in his country, step by step to its fullest form. He declared: I place my faith in and am grateful to Allah the Almighty to announce that [since] Thursday […]
Muslims Murder Twelve Year Old Christian Girl
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim terrorist in Nigeria detonated a number of bombs in the Christian section of the city of Kano, murdering 20 people, including a twelve year old Christian girl. Rev. Murtala Marti of the Evangelical Church Winning All said: The bomb attack occurred on Sunday night along Gold Coast Road in the […]
Muslims Slaughter 166 People, Mutilate Their Bodies, Burn Down Their Homes And Praise Allah
By Theodore Shoebat This week the Muslims in Nigeria slaughtered 145 people. They killed thirty people in the village of Shawa, 18 people in Alagarno and Bulakurbe, and another 118 in the Christian area of Jos. In the latter of the attacks, in the words of an eyewitness, “People were using wheelbarrows to move bodies […]
Muslims Attack Two Catholic Nuns, So Viciously That They Have To Be Sent To The Emergency Room
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims savagely attacked two nuns on grounds of the Church of Visitation in Seremban, Malaysia. One of the nuns, Sister Juliana Lim, was found to be in critical condition and sent to the Seremban Hospital. The other nun, Sister Mary-Rose, was sent to the hospital to be treated several serious injuries. Father […]
Is God Sending Forth His Armies To Destroy Saudi Arabia And To Rescue Christians From There?
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Camels and Egyptian Tomb Bats are causing a disease spread fast in Saudi Arabia. Experts reveal that infection of MERS from when it started has DOUBLED in the past EIGHT WEEKS ALONE. The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS corona virus is a Sars-like virus, which health experts say came […]
Obama Embraces and Works With Major Muslim Jihadist Leader And International Drug Trafficker
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** During a presidential debate prior to Obama’s reelection after the Benghazi attacks, the President had embraced Friends of Syria stating that “We organized the Friends of Syria”. Today, the man whom Barack Obama has decided to embrace and elevate has a history that includes international drug trafficking […]
Muslims Send Christians To Reeducation Camps To Be Severely Beaten And Forced To Convert To Islam
By Theodore Shoebat In the Muslim nation of Malaysia, Muslims who convert to Christianity are sent to reeducation camps where they are severely beaten and coerced to return to Islam. This has been revealed by a Malaysian native, who goes by the name Daniel, who converted to Christianity. He said: Malays who leave Islam basically […]
The Coming Slaughter Of Christians That Will Be Being Done By Hindu Savages
By Theodore Shoebat The crazies in the West want us to think that Hinduism is all about transcendent and mystical ideas, inner peace and never ending compassion and love. If the left wing professors got Islam wrong, what makes you think they have Hinduism right? They don’t. And soon the world will see the violent […]
Nutcase Leftists Viciously Attack Man For Saying He Supports Israel
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this video of a man named Orim Shimshon getting viciously attacked by nutcase leftists: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE THE LIVES OF PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS
Muslims Sentence A Christian Woman To Death And Obama Helps Them
A pregnant woman is in jail awaiting her sentence – death – in Sudan. Joining her in the cell is her 18 month-old son. Her crime? She was found guilty of apostasy for her refusal to convert to Islam. In addition to the death sentence, the woman was sentenced to 100 lashes for having illegal […]
Christian Pastor Looks Into The Eyes Of A Muslim And Says, “[Jesus] said anyone that denied Him, He’s gonna deny them in the presence of his Dad in heaven.” And Then The Muslim Shoots Him To Death
By Theodore Shoebat Three Muslims broke into the home of a Christian family in Nigeria, pulled the father, who was a pastor, out of the shower and told him to convert to Islam, he refused and they shot him to death. His fifteen year old daughter, Deborah Peters, who survived the attack, recounted how the […]
Muslim Man Stabs His 22 Year Old Sister To Death After Finding Out She Was Watching A Christian CD
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man has been arrested for stabbing his 22 year old sister to death after finding out she owned and was watching a Christian CD. While murdering his own sister, the Muslim man’s hand was somehow wounded. After killing her he dumped her body in front of a hospital. As one […]
Antichrist Nation of Turkey says Israel must accept Islam
At a meeting in Ankara this week, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu sounded a bit like a diplomatic hostage taker issuing the ‘do what we say and nobody gets hurt’ line when talking about the capita of Israel. In much the same way that Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf egregiously stated that acts […]
Muslims Murder Member Of The Voice Of The Martyrs
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria have murdered a member of the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). One member of VOM said: His death shocked almost all the Christian community After the Muslims murdered him, they stole 500 copies of the VOM newsletter, and local pastors are hoping that they will minister to the killers, […]
How to Spot a Muslim “Slick Willy” (The Simple Guide for Naïve Americans)
By Walid Shoebat When the man behind the Ground Zero Mosque Feisal Abdul Rauf was asked “how does a Muslim engage westerners in a dialogue”, he answered with: “deal with them as one courts a pretty girl he wants to date; stop thinking like a typical Muslim. Then you can engage.” An American is to […]