The Vatican is pushing evil in stages and increments:

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The Vatican is pushing evil in stages and increments:
My thoughts on human evil:
My thoughts on the German farmers situation its historical parallel:
The most dangerous thing about genocidal ideology is that its justified by facts:
People today would have voted for Hitler:
Its very obvious and everyone knows it:
They do…
Ukraine will give up territory which will cause a far-right/nazi surge in that country:
Christ is the antithesis to idealistic and revolutionary ideology:
Book review on the Histories by Laonikos Chalkokondyles:
My thoughts on the fact that Hitler will inevitably seen as just another historical conquerer:
In this video I talk about how Islamism, nazism and the world of the “dark enlightenment” are all drunk off of fantasies that bring destruction:
I address the counterjihadist tendency to ignore the reality of the huge ocean of wars between Christians:
This is one thing I’ve never seen anyone bring up: the familial connection between the Jews who killed Christ and the Jewish revolt against Rome:
My thoughts on the rise of religious radicalism in Israel:
Good and evil are choices: