Try as I might, I can only come up with three possible for scenarios for why the women in Tunisia are clamoring to be put into the subservient chains of Sharia law. First, this completely illogical development, via the AFP: Hundreds of Muslim women gathered near Tunis Saturday to call for the return of the […]
The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation
Video: University of Washington professor of African Studies on Kony 2012
Yesterday, we posted Sam Childers’ video response to the viral video, Kony 2012. He said that while getting Kony is a good thing, Omar al-Bashir in Northern Sudan is the much bigger problem. Childers has credibility because his boots have been on the ground over there, on and off, for fourteen years. Now enter University […]
Egypt Threatening to Reject U.S. Aid
Already reeling from the after effects of Mubarak’s removal, Egypt’s parliament appears ready to cut off its nose to spite its face. To say the Egyptian economy is in a shambles would be an understatement. Nonetheless, their apparently threatening to end more than $1 Billion in aid from the United States. Via the AP: Egypt’s […]
Video: Machine Gun Preacher responds to Kony 2012
Over the course of the last week, a video called Kony 2012 has gone absolutely viral (nearly 70 million views in just five days). Joseph Kony is about as evil as it gets. For years his Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has raided Christian villages in northern Uganda / South Sudan. Young girls are turned into […]
Video: John McCain goes on Al-Jazeera, promotes the Muslim Brotherhood’s cause
Last month, we reported that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh praised Al-Jazeera for its efforts in helping the efforts of his group. Now, al-Jazeera is interviewing McCain inside the U.S. Capitol where the most vocal Senator in support of Hamas’ position in Syria was given a platform. McCain can massage his message all he wants; the […]
Dhimmitude in Margaritaville; Anti-Sharia bill dies in Florida
Shouldn’t these state legislatures begin to ask why groups like CAIR are so adamant about stopping anti-Sharia legislation while saying they have no interest in implementing the Islamic legal system? The Florida House overwhelming passed the anti-Sharia legislation but it died in the Senate. Via the Miami Herald: A bill that squared Muslims and Jews […]
BBC Report: Hamas Leaders to lay off Israel if war with Iran
For years, Iran has been funding Hamas to join Hezbollah to fight Israel. The situation in Syria has changed everything. Last month, Hamas publicly stated that it would be siding with the Syrian (Muslim Brotherhood) rebels against the Iranian-backed regime of Bashar al-Assad. This stance has all but pitted them against a now scorned Iran. […]
Oklahoma Church standing up to CAIR
When the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a press release calling on Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond, Oklahoma to cancel its scheduled speaker, Avi Lipkin, the church fired back with a simple, reasoned response that should make CAIR go somewhere else. Here as a portion of the response from the Church’s pastor, via […]
TLC Cancels All American Muslim
Last December, The Learning Channel (TLC) was at the center of controversy when its program, All American Muslim, saw the loss of one of its sponsors – Lowe’s – due to its Islamic content. We reported on the radical background of one of the Imams featured in the program, Husham Al-Hussainy. The show has now […]
Chicago Police Chief, who is also a 9/11 Survivor, tells CAIR he won’t be like NYPD
It appears that the Chicago Police chief, Garry McCarthy, has decided to align with the Muslim community against his New York City brethren when it comes to the issue of legal surveillance. While speaking at CAIR Chicago’s annual banquet, McCarthy essentially demonized the NYPD by assuring CAIR that he would never do what his colleagues […]
Report: FBI targeting NYPD over Surveillance of Muslims
My how things have changed since September 11, 2001. NYPD and FDNY were held up as America’s most revered heroes for the way they responded to the attacks. As people rushed out of the towers, NYPD and FDNY rushed in. Just more than ten years later, the FBI is going after the NYPD for conducting […]
Authorizing Air Cover for Hamas and Al-Qaeda in Syria
According to Department of Defense officials, President Barack Obama has authorized a review of military options in Syria. With few exceptions, any airstrikes intended to either aid the rebels or weaken Bashar al-Assad will only serve strengthen al-Qaeda, Hamas, and by extension the Muslim Brotherhood. Via POLITICO: Pentagon officials said Wednesday that President Obama has […]
House Speaker exhibits hint of Wisdom on Syria
Yesterday, we reported on the desire of some Republican Senators – John McCain and Lindsey Graham – to help overthrow Syria’s Bashar al-Assad with airstrikes. We also explained why this is such a bad idea. According to The Hill, House Speaker John Boehner is demonstrating that he may understand our view a bit better than […]
Obama Administration ramping up plans to arm Syrian Rebels (al-Qaeda and Hamas)
Just last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned against arming the Syrian rebels because they are made up of al-Qaeda and Hamas. So what has changed? For one thing, there are two Republican Senators who have served as blockers for the administration on this issue. Both John McCain and Lindsey Graham support arming the […]
Will Mainstream Media exploit Mormon attempts to Baptize Islam’s Prophet?
Back in 2007 – 2008, conservative media outlets were angered that the mainstream media did not report on the connections Barack Obama had to Jeremiah Wright, the Trinity United Church of Christ, and Black Liberation Theology. Assertions that these revelations were relevant fell on deaf ears. News that Wright published the manifesto of Hamas leader […]
Minnesota State Senator takes bite of Dhimmitude sandwich
The only thing worse than not standing up to the prospect of Sharia and the dangers of Islam is backing down after making the attempt to do so. A Minnesota State Senator took the latter course of action and would have been better off whistling past the graveyard. Via WCCO in Minneapolis: The Minnesota Chapter […]