says: Oh man, I have NEVER seen Walid Shoebat like this before! I mean, I love Glenn Beck, but it was Walid’s speech that had me pumping my fist in the air. You just have to take 30 minutes to watch this speech. It’s just the best speech I’ve ever heard from Walid, and […]
The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation
Opportunity to Support Our Troops on Nov 21st
Support our Troops, honor our Fallen and participate in a historic event in Killeen Texas right next to the base of Ft Hood on Nov 21st 2010 We can arrange your air tickets, hotel accommodation for two nights at four star hotel right next to the Conference center where the event is happening and two […]
The Ayalon Institute + Special Price on “Forgotten Ally”
Ayalon Institute where some unusual acts of “research” took place in the 1940s in Israel. Another powerful story of bravery and ingenuity by real Jewish freedom fighters. Click Here To View The Clip . . . In conjunction with the release of this footage, we are offering a discount on one of our books, in […]
French journalist exposes the shocking spread of Islam and Sharia in England
French journalist exposes the shocking spread of Islam and Sharia in England Click Here To View the Clip
Vital History Link: A Touching Story of Jewish Defiance
It was not just the Arabs who were against The Jewish people but the British who allied themselves with Arab sensibilities in order to prevent the establishment of the Jewish Homeland despite their promises to the contrary… Click HERE To View The Clip ..ALSO.. We now have TWO specials to help fund-raise for our “Remember […]
Walid to Speak with Glenn Beck and Others on October 2nd
Friends Walid will be speaking at Restoring America Rally to hopefully 7500 people along with Glenn Beck, Steven Malzberg, Judge Napolitano and other leaders in the conservative movement. It starts at 1 pm and will be held at Great Adventure Theme Park. promo video: tickets can be purchased here: It will be another […]
It is not the Economy stupid
The mid term election in November will be one of the most important midterms in our lifetime. It will signal either the stopping of the socialist agenda of the Obama administration along with its willing accomplices in the current Congress and their cheerleaders in the mainstream media, or it will allow it to continue and […]
Dear Promoter of the Truth
Dear Friend and Supporter Be a promoter of the truth Be a proactive campaigner to expose the agenda of Islam and its messages of hate and domination. It is not politically incorrect to speak against Nazism, the KKK or other White supremacists; then it should not be politically incorrect to speak against and expose the […]
Walid will be speaking in Sparks Nevada
Walid will be speaking in Sparks Nevada (near reno) this Sunday 9/26 at Spirit Filled Church contact the church at web site for full details for those close enough to attend. Keith Davies Executive Director Walid Shoebat Fdn
SHARIAH WATCH: School Trip to “Moderate” Mosque: Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah
Click here for the original article Here is a link to the video clip SHARIAH WATCH: School Trip to “Moderate” Mosque: Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah Today, Americans for Peace and Tolerance released a video showing 6th graders from Wellesley, MA as they rise from prostrating themselves alongside Muslim men in a […]
Shoebat Radio Interview with MTR Radio in Melbourne
Shoebat Radio Interview with MTR Radio in Melbourne CLICK HERE TO LISTEN To Download, Right Click Here and Select “Save As…” Click Here To Visit “Melbourne Talk Radio (MTR) 1377AM”
Sharia Watch: Shocking attempting to indoctrinate US kids
Please watch this shocking news report from CBS Channel 10 Terre Haute IN with US marketed dolls stating that “Islam is the Light.” Share and forward far and wide. Wake up America. Walid and his Son Ted will be speaking this Sunday September 19 at Valley Church, 5063 Maple Rd, Vacaville, CA 95687-9468 Phone: […]
Awake Awake America, Rise And Shake Off The Dust “Diversity starts with the truth…”
Come view our temporary new entry page to our website… Awake Awake America, Rise And Shake Off The Dust “Diversity starts with the truth…”
Peace Talks
Peace Talks The Israeli Palestinian peace talks that have been revived by the US government are getting underway, hallelujah! I have some very unconventional proposals on how the Israeli government should open up its negotiating position to get the talks going for their ultimate success. First, they need to declare that Israel will never recognize […]
America’s Odyssey with Islamic Terror: The Failure to Retaliate
…Click Here For Original Article… September 05, 2010 America’s Odyssey with Islamic Terror: The Failure to Retaliate By Steven Simpson The Islamic terror attacks of September 11, 2001 did not come as a bolt out of the blue. For close to thirty years, America’s record of dealing with the hydra of Islamic terror was at […]
Help us with Nov 21st Memorial and Convention
Friends The American people are rising up over the PC of our Media and Politicians. The 911 Mosque, the gross appeasement by President Obama, the hypocrisy over the Koran burning, the lack of reporting on Christian persecution in Muslim countries, Americans are getting informed and getting really ticked off. On Nov 21st in Killeen TX, […]