By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis stood up against false historians who continuously slander Pope Pius XII, and showed how Pius XII saved Jews from Nazi persecution. Francis is concerned about “everything which has been thrown at poor Pius XII,” and said I sometimes get an existential rash when I see everybody taking it out against […]
Tag Archives | 666
The Roman Catholic Church Has Saved More Jews Than Anyone On Earth
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The church is not a threat to Jewish existence, physical or spiritual – but some cannot accept that fact. Simcha Hacohen Kook, the venerable chief rabbi of Rehovot, said in an interview with the settler’s website INN two weeks ago that “we have forgotten that the pope stood beside Hitler […]
Mary, The Mother of Jesus, Will Tell Christ To Take Up His Sword, Commence His Second Coming And Destroy The Antichrist
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Mary will urge Christ to unsheathe His heavenly sword, to lead “the armies of the living God” (1 Samuel 17:26), and destroy the forces of the Antichrist. How can one make such a conclusion? I will make this conclusion all through Scripture and nothing else. I understand that nearly every […]
Muslims Attack Christian Elementary School And Murder Twelve People
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims attacked a Christian elementary school in Syria and murdered twelve people, mostly children attending the campus. Hanna, a Christian woman living in Damascus, was a witness to the aftermath of the of carnage, and this is what she said: I want to tell you about Tuesday. It was a terrible day. […]
Demon Possessed Muslim Talks About His Desire To Eat Human Hearts
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Here on, we have exposed footage that you cannot find anywhere else, and all of it reveals the realities of the diabolical. has now found a video of a Muslim named Adnan Ahmed Durrah, who is a member of the Al-Nusra jihadist group, and is […]
Demons Have Possessed Muslims And They Are Doing Horrific And Cruel Massacres
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat A horrific clash of bloody violence has taken place between the Arabian tribe of Bani Helal, and the Nubian tribe of Daboudiya, in Egypt, which has left 25 people dead so far. The violence is very graphic, with bodies being piled upon bodies onto mule carts, caught […]
The Empire Of The Antichrist is Very Near
(SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE) By Walid Shoebat The empire of the Antichrist is very near, and it will be Turkey. Before we examine the issue of Turkey, we must first examine the monumental problems in much of what circulates the prophecy arena in the West. Perhaps the major problem with modern Bible Prophecy Analysts in the U.S. […]
Greece Refuses To Open Mosques, And Tells Off Antichrist Nation Of Turkey
By Theodore Shoebat The Crusade continues on… Greece is standing its ground against the Muslim heretics. The Greek capital of Athens has refused to open any official mosque, in the desire of the Orthodox Christian population. While Athens has about 200,000 Muslims, thankfully it has not provided the haters of Christ the liberty to have […]
Christians Persecuted And Tortured In China
How does atheism bring about more freedom? Donate Now Posted by Theodore Shoebat Follow me on Facebook Twitter
Theodore Shoebat Talks About Rescue Christians With Janet Parshall
Listen to this great interview of Theodore Shoebat talking with Janet Parshall on Rescue Christians: Donate Now Follow me on Facebook Twitter

Islam and Cannibalism UPDATED
We added various additions to this article on Islam and cannibalism, using now Hadith which reveal that blood drinking was done by Muhammad’s first followers, and also we posted a video of an Egyptian sheikh calling for the eating of Jewish flesh. By Walid and Theodore Shoebat In the future, the Egyptian Islamists will not […]
Obama’s Reelection Simply Means More Power To Islamists
By Theodore Shoebat With Obama’s inauguration for his reelection, many people are exalting him as another Martin Luther King Jr., and a voice for social equality. But is this event really worth celebration? No. Obama’s policies has only made the West lose control of the Middle East, and this will only lead to the formation […]
Morsi, The Common Tyrant
By Theodore Shoebat Muhammad Morsi is right now doing what any tyrant would do: use the emotions of the people to comply with what you want. In his address to to the senate, Morsi blamed the decrease in tourism (from which Egypt’s economy thrives) on his opposition, who “violated the peacefulness of politics”. This accusation […]
The Lost Verses of the Quran
By Theodore Shoebat Is the Quran of today, the same as it was when it was first written? Muslims says that it is. But I think otherwise. In old books on Islam which I have acquired I have found references to verses in the Quran which cannot be found in today’s copies. For example, female […]
VIDEO: Syrian Rebels have chemical weapons
I have heard countless times people saying that Assad will be using chemical weapons. But for this video, now we know for sure that rebels will be using them on the Syrian people, civilian and military. Here is another video, filmed right after rebels have defeated a group of Syrian soldiers. Notice the heavy weaponry […]
The Kaaba is the Image of the Beast
—- Posted by Theodore Shoebat