Walid Shoebat Interviews on Laura Ingraham and O’Reilly Factor August 27 2010. Walid’s section of the interview on the Radio Interview is approximately 10 minutes and starts during the 59th minute of the show. Click Here For The O’Reilly Factor Clip Click Here For The Laura Ingraham Radio Show Interview
Tag Archives | 911
Walid on O’Reilly factor with Laura Ingraham Tonight
Friends Walid will be discussing Imam Rauf and his duplicity in the Arab language. We hope to post both the Radio interview with Laura today and the Factor interview tonight for those that cannot watch. The show will air at 8 pm EST and again at 11 pm EST tonight. Hopefully this Imam as a […]
Click Here To View Original Letter CONTACT: Todd Baumann of Special Guests at 512-966-0983 THE 9/11 MOSQUE AND OBAMA’S SPEECH CONTROVERSY By Walid Shoebat (Also available for media interviews) ANSWERING QUESTIONS The controversy continues over Obama’s historic Cairo speech and Feisal Abdul Rauf’s link to it. Many are asking, where is the evidence? […]
Click Here To View Original Letter OPEN LETTER FROM FORMER MUSLIM TERRORIST TO 9/11 GROUND ZERO MOSQUE IMAM Dear Feisal Abdul Rauf, The bottom line is that America wants to know if you are a Jihadist or a moderate Muslim? America is a nation that believes everyone deserves a chance, including you […]
Walid Shoebat 3rd Fox News Interview This Morning
Friends Walid invited on Fox News to further Expose Imam Rauf (We also have updated our YouTube page with all 3 FOX clips) More coming on this issue stay tuned Keith
“Salt in the Wound” Stop the Mosque and Walid is Going Back to NC
Friends Here is a great music video showing the digust by great American country singing patriots, willing to stand up and stop this political correctness that is killing us. This 911 mosque has hit a nerve in America that has reawakened the issue of the Islamic threat. It is always interesting how the enemy miscalculates […]
Imam of Ground Zero Mosque: Radical Global Agenda (his own words)
Click here if you are having trouble reading this post IMAMOF GROUND ZERO MOSQUE FEISAL ABDUL RAUF RAUF’S MANIFESTO REGARDING TERRORISM RAUF WRITES: People asked me right after the 9/11 attack as to why do movements with political agendas carry [Islamic] religious names? Why call it ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ or ‘Hezbollah (Party of Allah)’ […]
Walid Shoebat Sean Hannity Interview + Walid Shoebat PJTV Interview Hear the full Sean Hannity Show featuring an Interview with Walid Shoebat. Also we have the interview Walid did on PJTV and included on the same page an article from the Washington Post illustrating how your Tax Dollars are going towards supporting the building of the Mosque at the site of Ground Zero. […]
Walid on Sean Hannity Radio Show today
Friends Tune in to Sean Hannity Show today August 13, as Walid will be talking about the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and the 911 mosque based on yesterday’s shocking release. We have also lined up dozens of radio interviews on many different radio stations over next ten days. This mosque in New York at the […]
Walid returns to Fox News
Friends Walid will be on Fox and Friends and around 6.50 am tomorrow morning 7/21 He will discuss the 9/11 mosque and the “moderate” imam who is behind the project. Walid has been on nearly a dozen major radio interviews including Bill Handel, Brian Kilmeade and Friends, Alan Handelman and Ron Owen Show. We are […]
911 Mosque Founder wants to Establish Shariah in USA
REVEALED IN ARABIC – GROUND ZERO MOSQUE FOUNDER RAUF WANTS TO ESTABLISH SHARIAH by Walid Shoebat Is Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf – founder of the hugely controversial Ground Zero Mosque – lying to the American public? We have uncovered extraordinary contradictions between what he says in English and what he says in Arabic that raise […]