Regular readers know that we’ve been more than just a little critical of Republican Senators like John McCain and Lindsey Graham when it came to how best to deal with the situations in Libya, Syria, et. al. but in this particular case, they’re right to keep up the pressure on U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. When […]
Tag Archives | al-qaeda
Time Magazine’s Joe Klein: Susan Rice’s talking points on Benghazi were ‘accurate’
With the onset of YouTube, we’ve become somewhat desensitized to what used to be considered incredible videos. The bar is raised on a near daily basis now. However, the level of absurdity displayed by Time Magazine’s Joe Klein in the clip below from his appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe hits the mark. This excerpt from […]
Forget Susan Rice; who gave Jay Carney his September 14th talking points?
As a direct result of the November 16th testimony given to House and Senate Intelligence committees by former CIA Director David Petraeus, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has come under the public spotlight. Everyone wants to know who altered her talking points prior to her five Sunday show appearances on September 16th, five days after the […]
Report: MPAC Openly Partnering with group that has former Counter-Terrorism Czar on Advisory Council
Regular readers might remember the name Haris Tarin. He is the Executive Director for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) in Washington, D.C. He is one of Huma Abedin’s defenders. Tarin was featured in an article at OnIslam that focuses on MPAC’s work with a group known as the National Security Network (NSN). Via OnIslam: […]
Audio: Frank Gaffney gives his take on Benghazi-gate
During a recent appearance on WABC Radio, Center for Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney discussed Benghazi-gate. Take note that Gaffney also makes reference to Abdel Hakim Belhaj – the man we’ve reported on before – as being someone who was working directly with Christopher Stevens. In essence, according to Gaffney, the installation in Benghazi was not […]
Libyan Leaks: Documents show Sean Hannity right, John McCain wrong
Back on September 13th, Senator John McCain appeared on Hannity, the television program of the popular conservative talk show host, to discuss the recent 9/11 attacks. When the topic turned to Libya, the Senator from Arizona was quick to accuse Sean of having been wrong about Islamists taking control of Libya. Hannity appeared to be […]

Libyan Leaks: More Secret Documents Reveal Obama’s failure in Libya
Exclusive Walid Shoebat Bombshell Barack Obama’s claim to election fame – that Al-Qaeda has been destroyed – needs a reality check, according to a group of anti-Al Qaeda Libyans in exile. “We beg to differ,” they exclaimed. “Obama gift-wrapped Libya, handed it over to Al-Qaeda, and we can prove it.” The group stated they have […]
Contents of Classified State Department cable illustrate why Huma Abedin should not be Hillary’s Deputy Chief of Staff
Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge has obtained a classified cable sent by Ambassador Christopher Stevens directly to “the office” of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on August 16th, just a few weeks prior to the attack in Benghazi. In this interview with Greta Van Susteren, Herridge pulls no punches and says flatly that “the State […]

Libyan Leaks: Secret Document reveals Al-Qaeda ‘brother’ put in control of U.S. Embassy in Tripoli
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack A treasure trove of secret documents has been obtained by a Libyan source who says that secularists in his country are increasingly wanting to see Mitt Romney defeat Barack Obama on November 6th. This charge is being made despite Muslim Brotherhood losses in Libyan elections last July which resulted in […]
Three ‘experts’ fail in attempt to debunk Bachmann
The Muslim Brotherhood and Ansar al-Sharia (the group that claimed responsibility for the Benghazi attack) share one thing in common. Both seek the implementation of Sharia law wherever it does not exist. The most important difference between the two groups is how to get there. Groups like Ansar al-Sharia and al-Qaeda believe in doing it […]
Gaffney: Did Benghazi-gate involve Gun-Walking to al-Qaeda?
In Operation Fast and Furious, guns were allowed to walk and were put into the hands of Mexican drug cartels; bad things happened. Could Benghazi-gate involve a similar operation in which weaponry was placed into the hands of al-Qaeda? Frank Gaffney has an interesting take on that. Note how he refers to someone Walid identified […]
Video: The Truth About Libya – Failed Foreign Policy
Very powerful, from h/t Keith
Issa points finger directly at Obama in letter on Benghazi-gate
There was quite an interesting mass e-mail waiting for me this morning from Darrell Issa’s press secretary. In a letter sent to Barack Obama by Oversight Committee chairman Issa and Committee member, Jason Chaffetz, the two Republicans are asking some very hard questions and demanding answers about Benghazi-gate. The implied charge is made fairly early […]
Oversight Committee should call Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin to testify over Benghazi-gate
With Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly accepting ‘responsibility’ for the security of all State Department diplomats stationed at the various outposts all over the world – including at the Benghazi consulate – shouldn’t the matter of her closest adviser, Huma Abedin become relevant again? Hillary’s acceptance of responsibility should also come with a requirement […]
Investigating the Assassination of Ambassador Stevens
Walid Shoebat Anyone who surfed the internet when the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi was attacked can figure out that photos with guys carrying AK-47’s standing in front of the embassy meant that terrorists were carrying out a terrorist attack and were not participating in a demonstration over a film. Despite this, Joe Biden – in […]
Muslims in UK protest outside Google; time to get to the truth about who made ‘Innocence of Muslims’?
What do you call thousands of Muslims exercising their free speech rights to demand that the free speech rights of others be shut down? If you said ironic hypocrisy on steroids, you’d be right. After the riots at various U.S. embassies last month, the Obama administration attempted to get Google to take down the Innocence […]