When Barack Obama released five terrorists from Yemen, it sent a message. That message was that when Paris terrorist Said Kouachi was killed, so too was a terrorist with connections to not only Yemen but to one of Islam’s most revered martyrs – Anwar al-Awlaki. In the wake of the attacks in Paris, it was […]
Tag Archives | Anwar al-Awlaki
Anwar al-Awlaki’s Murderous Muslim Terrorist Outreach Continues to be Felt as Western “Leaders” Continue Covering Up and Living in Denial
The consequences of U.S. federal officials allowing Anwar al-Awlaki to slip through their fingers in 2001 are still being felt years later, in much the same way that the consequences of the Obama administration flooding Mexico with high powered weapons in Operation Fast and Furious will be felt for years to come. In the case […]
Fort Hood Jihad Victims May Finally Be Getting Purple Hearts after Attacked by Muslim Terrorist
A new defense policy bill is being pushed through Congress that will essentially identify acts of domestic terrorism in which active military personnel are injured or killed, as an act of war. This will have the effect of granting the murdered and injured victims of Nidal Malik Hasan’s 2009 Fort Hood jihadist attack their Purple […]
In Sermon at Mosque Attended by Boston Marathon Bombers, Imam Says Liberal Atheist Criticism of Islam is ‘Code Red’ for Muslims
Radical Imam Suhaib Webb took to his pulpit at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) to address the viral video exchange between atheist comedian Bill Maher, atheist author Sam Harris, and Hollywood dupe Ben Affleck. Webb essentially sounded the alarm bells for his congregation, saying that when conservatives levy criticism against Islam, it’s […]
30-Year Muslim Plan to Control America has Six Years to Go
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Twenty-five years ago, Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradwai traveled to America and unpacked his plan for a Muslim takeover that would begin one year later and take 30 years to complete. It included a key component and tactic known as Muruna. Like the Ebola virus, it […]
Oklahoma City Mosque Attended by Muslim BEHEADER Preached About BEHEADING Infidels according to Former Attendee
In an interview with Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly, a former attendee of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC) attended by Alton Nolen said that the mosque’s leaders preach hatred and anti-Semitism against that which is not of Islam. The man – whose identity was withheld – went by the name ‘Noor’ in […]
Ex-Imam of Mosque Attended by Muslim who DECAPITATED Oklahoma Woman placed at Event with Ex-CIA Director
In February of 2009, Suhaib Webb – the former Imam of the mosque attended by the Alton Nolen (the man who beheaded an Oklahoma woman last week) – was in attendance at the U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF), an annual event held in Doha, Qatar that’s co-sponsored by the Qatari government and the Brookings Institute, a […]
‘Lone Wolf’ Fort Hood Jihadist who Committed ‘Workplace Violence’ wants to join Islamic Caliphate
Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan, whose murders the Defense Department identified as the result of ‘workplace violence’ (signaling that Hasan was a lone wolf not motivated by religion) wants to become a citizen of ISIS Caliphate. Hasan, who was mentored by Anwar al-Awlaki – a man whom the Department of Defense embraced after 9/11 […]
Mosque Chaired by Clinton Friend led by Boko Haram Apologists
The notorious Dar al-Hijrah mosque chaired for many years by a man who curried political favor with the Clintons and other politicians – over the span of several years – is defending Boko Haram, the group making headlines for kidnapping hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls. The Daily Caller reports that the outreach director, who has held […]

Muslim Convicted of Aiding Anwar al-Awlaki associate and Terror suspect, now works for IRS
On Today’s Barrack show… Former IRS official Lois Lerner granted an interview to the Department of Justice in the last six months but has twice refused to tell the House Oversight Committee what she knows. Why would Lerner talk to the one entity that can prosecute her and refuse to talk to the one entity […]
Video: Anwar Al Awlaki explains how Muslims see their Prophecies coming to pass
We study our biblical prophecies while Muslims study theirs. The following is a clip from the Imam who inspired Nidal Malik Hasan. Anwar Al Awlaki explains how Muslims see things from their own prophetic angle. This would fit perfectly with what we have been saying for two decades.
Video: State Department spokesman has trouble answering question about U.S. embassy’s authority to kill Anwar Al-Awlaki
It’s quite safe to say that State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland would much rather prefer giving a press conference at which AP reporter Matthew Lee’s chair was empty. Such a scenario was not to be on November 28th and the looks Nuland gives while dealing with Lee’s questions practically portray physical discomfort. At issue… About […]
Video: Fort Hood shooting victims speak out
This is a must-see video about the Fort Hood shootings; it features the victims of that day who are not too happy about Jihad being termed workplace violence. That cover-up takes on added significance in the wake of the Benghazi cover-up. Both took place on Obama’s watch and both attacks were actually…. Acts. of. War. […]
2001 Video: Anwar al-Awlaki speech at ISNA Convention
Patrick Poole over at Pajamas Media has a huge find; it is a speech given by the man who inspired Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan – Anwar al-Awlaki. The speech (seen at the bottom of this post) was given at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention on September 1, 2001 – just […]
A Video is worth a Thousand Words
By Walid Shoebat Andrew McCarthy has published another must-read about Huma Abedin’s affiliation with the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Earlier this week, we posted about Huma serving on George Washington University’s MSA Executive Board in 1997. As McCarthy rightly points out, none other than Anwar al-Awlaki served on that same board a fews years […]
FBI has more explaining to do on relationship with Anwar al-Awlaki
That Al-Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was let go in 2002 despite there being a warrant for his arrest is not news. The Denver Post reported that information shortly after the Fort Hood massacre. However, we are learning more about some of the details about that release thanks to a Congressional hearing at which Via Fox […]