A mere hours after President Barack Obama defended Susan Rice in response to a question about Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham pledging to block her nomination as Secretary of State, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) played the race card. We predicted that this very thing would happen. Rice, the United States ambassador to the United […]
Tag Archives | Benghazi
Recommended viewing for David Petraeus on the eve of his testimony
Before former CIA Director David Petraeus lays his head down to sleep on the eve of his closed-door testimony in front of members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, perhaps he should watch the climactic scene (below) from the 1992 film Scent of a Woman, starring Al Pacino and Chris O’Donnell. **SPOILER ALERT** (But […]
Video: Obama admits that Susan Rice was Sent, not Sought, to speak on Sunday talk shows about Benghazi
The Weekly Standard’s Daniel Harper finds something cleverly hidden in plain sight here. It also might help explain why Barack Obama doesn’t like to answer tough questions; he reveals more than he’d like to even when he’s doing all he can not to. At an otherwise predictably controlled news conference, Obama was asked by ABC’s […]
Was David Petraeus Blackmailed by the White House?
The definition of “blackmail” is as follows: any payment extorted by intimidation, as by threats of injurious revelations or accusations. If then CIA Director David Petraeus was instructed to give false testimony to Congress in the days after the 9/11/12 Benghazi attack in exchange for his extramarital affair to remain under wraps, that would be […]
That ‘Gun running to Jihadists’ theory about Benghazi just won’t go away
Aaron Klein asks… Is this the Real Reason for CIA Chief’s Resignation?
How Obama could lose the Media on Benghazi-gate in his second term
In Lyndon Johnson’s second term, it was his failures in Vietnam; Watergate broke in Richard Nixon’s first term but took him down after reelection; Iran-Contra dogged Ronald Reagan; Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice late in his second term; and George W. Bush’s second term was marred by failures in Iraq, […]
Will a Sex Scandal cause the Mainstream Media to cover Benghazi?
Charles Krauthammer raises an interesting possibility relative to the media’s disinterest in Benghazi-gate; it’s a story that now includes a sex scandal. “(Benghazi) will unravel.” – Charles Krauthammer To Krauthammer’s point, the media was more interested in Anthony Weiner’s sexting scandal than in pursuing the disturbing familial connections his wife has to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: Timing of Petraeus ‘Affair’ wreaks of Chicago-style politics
During an interview with Neil Cavuto, retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters chimed in on the timing of the news of CIA Director David Petraeus’ extra-marital affair. Citing his experience as an intelligence analyst, Peters seems to think that the Obama administration has likely known about this affair for some time but revealed it less than […]
State Department playing No Card Monte with Senators on Benghazi?
Three card monte at least affords the subject to actually choose a card after being deceived. In this game played by the State Department, the cards are shuffled and removed before the subjects have the opportunity to even flip them over. Before continuing, see if you can find the metaphor for what you’re about to […]
Election over but Benghazi-gate not going anywhere; Hillary invited to testify at House Committee hearing
Beleaguered Attorney General Eric Holder is reportedly giving serious consideration to not returning for a another stint in the Obama administration’s second term. Operation Fast and Furious – probably more than anything else – is likely responsible for Holder openly wondering if he has ‘gas left in the tank’. Ever since the death of Border […]
Associated Press: Innocence of Muslims filmmaker gets one year in prison and oh yeah, the video WAS behind Libya attack
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was sentenced to one year in prison today for charges related to violating his probation. Perhaps just as newsworthy is the AP’s assertion that the anti-Muhammad film was responsible for the attack that killed four Americans in Libya. No, really. Via the AP: The California man behind an anti-Muslim film that roiled […]
Audio: Frank Gaffney gives his take on Benghazi-gate
During a recent appearance on WABC Radio, Center for Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney discussed Benghazi-gate. Take note that Gaffney also makes reference to Abdel Hakim Belhaj – the man we’ve reported on before – as being someone who was working directly with Christopher Stevens. In essence, according to Gaffney, the installation in Benghazi was not […]
Libyan Leaks: Documents show Sean Hannity right, John McCain wrong
Back on September 13th, Senator John McCain appeared on Hannity, the television program of the popular conservative talk show host, to discuss the recent 9/11 attacks. When the topic turned to Libya, the Senator from Arizona was quick to accuse Sean of having been wrong about Islamists taking control of Libya. Hannity appeared to be […]

Libyan Leaks: More Secret Documents Reveal Obama’s failure in Libya
Exclusive Walid Shoebat Bombshell Barack Obama’s claim to election fame – that Al-Qaeda has been destroyed – needs a reality check, according to a group of anti-Al Qaeda Libyans in exile. “We beg to differ,” they exclaimed. “Obama gift-wrapped Libya, handed it over to Al-Qaeda, and we can prove it.” The group stated they have […]
Did Obama put a George Soros lackey / Muslim Brotherhood appeaser in charge of Benghazi investigation?
Did Obama really appoint a pro-George Soros / pro-Muslim Brotherhood appeasement artist to lead the investigation into what happened at Benghazi? Via Diana West: …is Thomas Pickering, Obama’s choice to lead the Benghazi investigation, the proper person to search for it? On first glance, Pickering, a retired top diplomat and State Department official, sets off […]
Issa and Chaffetz demanding answers from Hillary about Benghazi
In a letter addressed to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa and member Jason Chaffetz point to documents recovered by Foreign Policy as evidence that Libyan security forces had been infiltrated prior to the 9/11/12 attack that killed four Americans. The letters – one addressed to Mohamed Obeidi, head of Libyan […]