Yesterday, when Senator Rand Paul asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if the CIA Annex in Benghazi was being used as a hub for gun trafficking to Turkey and other countries (Syria), Clinton initially directed Paul to the CIA to have his question answered. She ultimately said “I do not know” after being pressed. Even […]
Tag Archives | cia
Audio: House Speaker John Boehner knows something about CIA Annex (and he’s not telling)
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) appeared on Laura Ingraham’s radio show and discussed the testimony of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton relative to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11. At the end of this clip via the Daily Caller (h/t Diana West), Boehner addresses the question asked of Clinton by Rand Paul, which involved whether or not […]
A Benghazi Admission? Defense Official says Al-Qaeda ‘played a role’
Drip, drip, drip… A representative from the Department of Defense has now officially gone on record with the Foreign Relations Subcommittee and admitted that Al-Qaeda was involved in the Benghazi attack. Via Washington Free Beacon: A defense official told the Senate Foreign Relations African subcommittee that Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM) was involved in the […]
Video: Bull Dog Congressman Trey Gowdy wants Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to testify
Must-see video of Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) on the conflicting stories coming out of the Obama administration over Benghazi. 9/11/12 – 9/16/12 is becoming quite the convoluted timeline. Via Fox News: Watch the latest video at
Time to revisit Hillary Clinton’s September 13th Speech?
While the talking points recited by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice on September 16th continues to be a point of interest, confusion, and conflicting accounts, looking at the words uttered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton three days earlier might shed some light on how those talking points got altered. The conflicting stories between former CIA […]
Conflicting CBS Reports on when Susan Rice received talking points
Perhaps it’s time for CBS to reconcile some inconsistencies in its reporting about when U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice received her talking points on the Benghazi attack. Given that Rice’s appearances on five talk shows on 9/16 have become a focal point, it might be more than just a little warranted here. First, let’s go back […]
Forget Susan Rice; who gave Jay Carney his September 14th talking points?
As a direct result of the November 16th testimony given to House and Senate Intelligence committees by former CIA Director David Petraeus, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has come under the public spotlight. Everyone wants to know who altered her talking points prior to her five Sunday show appearances on September 16th, five days after the […]

Can we start talking about what really happened on September 11th now?
As supposedly responsible people continue to point fingers over who knew what (and when) relative to what caused the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi, we thought it timely to revisit Walid’s discovery on September 13th; it puts so many ‘experts’ to shame. In the closed-door testimony of former CIA Director David Petraeus on November 16th, he […]
Recommended viewing for David Petraeus on the eve of his testimony
Before former CIA Director David Petraeus lays his head down to sleep on the eve of his closed-door testimony in front of members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, perhaps he should watch the climactic scene (below) from the 1992 film Scent of a Woman, starring Al Pacino and Chris O’Donnell. **SPOILER ALERT** (But […]
Was David Petraeus Blackmailed by the White House?
The definition of “blackmail” is as follows: any payment extorted by intimidation, as by threats of injurious revelations or accusations. If then CIA Director David Petraeus was instructed to give false testimony to Congress in the days after the 9/11/12 Benghazi attack in exchange for his extramarital affair to remain under wraps, that would be […]
Video: Former CIA Officer Adamant the White House lying about Petraeus Investigation
Former CIA Officer Gary Bernsten leaves no room for doubt about where he stands relative to what the White House knew / knows about the investigation of CIA Director David Petraeus. “They are lying.” Via Breitbart:
Petraeus case shows why relationships matter
A common theme emerging from the sex scandal involving CIA Director David Petraeus is that relationships matter when you’re talking about someone with a top secret security clearance. The alleged extra-marital affair Petraeus was engaged in may not have been illegal but, as we’re learning, it quite possibly posed a problem for national security because […]
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: Timing of Petraeus ‘Affair’ wreaks of Chicago-style politics
During an interview with Neil Cavuto, retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters chimed in on the timing of the news of CIA Director David Petraeus’ extra-marital affair. Citing his experience as an intelligence analyst, Peters seems to think that the Obama administration has likely known about this affair for some time but revealed it less than […]
Must-See Video: Dishonorable Disclosures
**BE SURE TO READ THE SAUDI MANIFESTO** Abedin_Affairs_with_Al_Saud_081312 ——————- Military and Intelligence officials – both active and retired – are clearly not happy with the national security leaks that have come out of the Obama administration. h/t Keith
U.S Ignores Hillary Clinton’s Powerful Aide Huma Abedin at Its Own Risk
A CIA/FBI agent was responsible for creating the first al-Qaeda training manual from classified military sources. Ali Mohamed covertly moved up through the ranks undetected until the Egyptian-born al-Qaeda spy was finally discovered. Though arrested in 1998, Mohamed’s whereabouts and legal status remain unknown. Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan benefited from the same faulty […]