Tag Archives | Coup

Kidnapped President of Yemen Officially Resigns, Leaving Capital in Hands of Muslim Terrorists

As Barack Obama and Congress was preparing for the State of the Union speech on Tuesday, a coup was taking place in Yemen. The media all but completely ignored this extremely explosive development in a country Obama himself touted as a place where his foreign policy was succeeding. On Wednesday, reports surfaced that the president […]

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COUP IN YEMEN: Shiite Muslims Overtake Presidential Palace; U.S. Embassy Vehicle Fired Upon as Obama Says No Evacuation Plans

One day after a ceasefire was agreed to in Yemen between Shiite Houthi rebels and government forces, a coup appears to have taken place, with the government surrendering the Presidential palace to the Houthis. Earlier, a U.S. Embassy vehicle had been fired upon but the Obama administration insists that there will be no evacuation of […]

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John McCain: Next Ambassador to the Muslim Brotherhood?

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) doesn’t have much left to do to shore up his pro-Muslim Brotherhood bonafides. In politics, that “R” next to McCain’s name is like an affirmative action hire for a Democratic president who is ideologically aligned with the Brotherhood’s every move. He’d make the perfect ventriloquist dummy ambassador for the Obama administration […]

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Is Bashar al-Assad “Coup Proof”?

Syria is shaping up to be ground zero in major showdown between the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian-backed Shiite government of Bashar al-Assad. Over the last several days, the specter of Assad’s removal has carried an air of inevitability to it. A significant blow was dealt to Assad when Hamas publicly aligned with the […]

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