Tag Archives | Crusades

Crusades Were All About Fighting the Islamic State

The Islamic State / ISIS / ISIL / Da’ish is not a new idea. It’s been around for centuries. Islam’s goal since its founding has been to conquer the world and create… an Islamic State. When Barack Obama equated Christian Crusaders to ISIS at the National Prayer Breakfast this week, he actually did Christians a […]

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Watch Obama’s Speech Slandering Christians… Again… Just as a Typical Muslim Would

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack As part of his shocking claims during the National Prayer Breakfast, Barack Obama referenced acts of Islamic terrorism taking place around the globe without identifying them for what they really are. While insisting that the perpetrators are twisting religion to justify murder, it was Obama who twisted history to […]

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Christian Man Gives This Message To America: “They destroy our church; we destroy a mosque. They kill our people; we want to go and kill them.”

By Theodore Shoebat A young Christian man in Nigeria is so tired of Boko Haram and their horrendous and vicious violence, that he gave this message in an interview intended for an American and Western audience: These guys come and kill us in our churches, destroy our churches and buildings. We’re just supposed to watch […]

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Local Christian Militias Pick Up Assault Rifles And Automatic Machine Guns To Defeat ISIS

By Theodore Shoebat Christians living in the small border town of Qaa, that lies between Syria and Lebanon, have taken up their cross, and are now holding up automatic rifles to defend themselves against ISIS. They take up positions on hills and lay ambushes, being always vigilant and ready for the ISIS Muslims. One of […]

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Phil Robertson On ISIS: Convert Them To Christianity, Or Kill Them

By Theodore Shoebat Phil Robertson recently made an excellent point: ISIS must be either converted to Christianity or killed. I absolutely agree, as this is the way to extirpate the wickedness of Islam. This was the mentality of the Spanish throne when Christendom was maintained. Phil said: Convert them or kill them. One or the […]

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Every Pastor Must Be Armed

By Theodore Shoebat When we look at the news going around, with churches being vandalized by Muslims in Indiana, satanists attacking Christians and sinister reprobates opening fire at congregations, what do we realize? Every pastor needs to be armed. They need to be armed to protect themselves and their congregations. All churches need armed security. […]

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Thousands Of Christians Take Up Arms To Finally Crush ISIS And End The Persecutions

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat There are literally thousands of Assyrian Christian men who have volunteered to joint a militia protecting the Christians in Iraq, and may God bless them in such a holy cause. David William Lazar, California-based chairman of the American Mesopotamian Organization, has stated: There are thousands of young Assyrian Christian men […]

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Christian Supremacy Must Reign If Christendom Is Going To Arise And Defeat Islam

By Theodore Shoebat Christian supremacy must reign if Christendom is going to arise and destroy Islam. The flower of Christendom will soon bloom to illuminate the world, and dissipate the darkness of false doctrine and Satan’s deceptions. Soon, the armies of Saints, bearing the mark of God on their foreheads, with the Word of God […]

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Christian Militancy And The Crusades Are Good, Satanic Muslim Jihad And Islam Are Evil

By Theodore Shoebat Christian militancy and the Crusades are good, satanic jihad and Islam are evil. This is what I have to say to those modern Christians who always ask me, every time I speak of Christian militancy and crusading, “What makes you so different from the Muslims and their jihad?” or to those who […]

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Muslims Are Spilling The Blood Of Christians Everywhere, But Christians Are Rising Up To Finally Put An End To It

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria are forcing teenagers to slaughter their own parents; thousands of Christians have been massacred by Boko Haram in Nigeria; hundreds of thousands of Christians have been driven out of their homes in Syria and Iraq, with many more being butchered in all sorts of sadistic and deviant ways. It […]

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The Cross Of Christ Is The Truest Image Of Christian Warfare Against The Antichrist

By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Open your eyes and gaze upon the Cross, and allow your soul to be awakened. Stare upon the Holy Wood, and what do you see? You are not reminded of sorrow, but of victory; not of defeat, but of conquest; not of passivity, but of war. What you see, is […]

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The Slaughter Of Christians Is Beyond Human Imagination

By Theodore Shoebat The slaughter of Christians is beyond human imagination. That is what Munir Kakish, chairman of the Council of Local Evangelical Churches in the Holy Land, has exclaimed: The shedding of blood of Christians in our area is going beyond human imagination… Killing Christians just because they are Christian is not acceptable and […]

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Christendom Will Arise And A New Crusade Will Soon Emerge To Fight The Antichrist

By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat exclusive) The Vatican’s representative to the United Nations, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, has made a righteous call to the nations of the Christian world, to execute an armed response against the slaughter of Christians in Iraq, in order to protect these forsaken children of Eve. He stated: At this moment, the Holy […]

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Christ Is Coming Soon, To Lead The Last Crusade And Finally Destroy The Muslims And Islam For Good

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1) A great Christian militia has arisen out of the deathly depths of Mosul. Guided by the Spirit, and governed under the eyes of the holy law engraved upon their hearts, […]

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200 Muslims Attack Church, Christians Fight Back, Slaughter Them, And Take The Victory For Christ

By Theodore Shoebat 200 Muslims attacked the Cherebeen convent in Syria, but Christian militants protecting the premises fought back, slaughtered the Muslims and took the victory for Christ. One of the head Christian militants, named Sari, said: We stopped them and we killed them but Christian guys from Saidnaya also died in the battle… The […]

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Muslims Demand Money From Christians, The Christians Say That They Don’t Have Money, Then The Muslims Steal Their Wives, Christians Get Enraged, Take Assault Rifles And Fight Off The Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq are demanding money from the Christians there, but when the Christians say that they don’t have money, the Muslims steal their wives. This type of violence is happening in the Christian village of Qaraqosh. A local shoekeeper said: They killed the Christians. They took money from them, and if […]

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