Tag Archives | debate

MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH in the Case of Barack Obama and his Muslim Brother Malik

There has been a major breakthrough in the case of Malik Obama. It may also help to explain why members of Congress, mainstream media, and shockingly, even the attorneys for Tea Party groups targeted by the IRS have chosen to ignore the earth-shattering scandal involving the President’s eldest brother. This new discovery reveals a mosaic […]

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Political Debate turns into Water Fight

What do you get when you televise a debate between a pro-Muslim Brotherhood lawyer and a supporter of Mohammed Mursi’s removal from power this past summer? To call it lively does an injustice to animated theatrics. The guy on the left is the Islamic fundamentalist lawyer named Mustasir Al-Zayyat who actually walks off the set […]

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Audio: Big Time AJ (of Sean Hannity fame) debates Robert in Killeen (Liberal) on Lynn Woolley Show

On Today’s edition of the Lynn Woolley show, we were able to get Big Time AJ from Houston, who makes regular appearances on the Sean Hannity show and Lynn’s regular liberal caller, Robert in Killeen to agree to a debate. Robert is a guy Lynn’s audience is very familiar with and enjoys seeing his liberal […]

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Must-See Video: Omar Bakri shredded for five straight minutes by Pastor Joseph

This interview between Omar Bakri, Anjem Choudary (not seen) and a man named Pastor Joseph starts out with the typical attempt by Bakri to intimidate westerners. Soon thereafter, Pastor Joseph goes on a five minute rant directed right at Bakri and Choudary. Watching Bakri listen to it is an added benefit. Is it a good […]

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Video: Michele Bachmann stands by questions about Muslim Brotherhood in last debate, another Huma Abedin defender revealed

In her final debate with her Democratic challenger, Rep. Michele Bachmann was asked if she stood by the questions she and four other congressmen raised about Muslim Brotherhood penetration into the U.S. Government (Rep. Tom Rooney’s backtrack notwithstanding). She did. When her opponent, Jim Graves spoke to the issue, he predictably pointed to the criticism […]

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Anne Bayefsky completely deconstructs Obama’s words about Israel by pointing to his record

At the third presidential debate, Barack Obama defended not taking a trip to Israel during his administration – despite visiting surrounding nations – by pointing to a trip he took before he was elected. Anne Bayefsky starts there and doesn’t stop until Obama’s anti-Israel record is completely deconstructed and laid bare. A Must-read. Now, after […]

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