If there is one entity inside Syria that has the best chance and greatest incentive to defeat ISIS, it’s the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Yet, the Obama administration is actually considering a strategy beginning with the premise that if Assad is overthrown, ISIS will go away. People with questions about this insanely illogical contention are […]
Tag Archives | Farah Pandith
U.S. State Department Infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood says Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t want a Caliphate
If you can’t believe the guys hiding inside the Trojan horse, who can you trust? While speaking at the United Nations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the common goal of all Islamic militants is a global caliphate. In response, a U.S. State Department that has undoubtedly been influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood, scoffed: […]
FLASH! U.S. Chamber of Commerce IN BED with Islamic Terrorists
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The lobbying powerhouse that is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce signed a pact with a terror state in 2010 when its Executive Vice-President and COO David Chavern traveled to Qatar and officially commissioned the American Chamber of Commerce there (AmCham Qatar). Two years later, the U.S. Chamber would become the […]
THE FIVE DAMNING LETTERS Ignored By The Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton Regarding Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The Benghazi attacks and subsequent coverup could have been prevented. The Obama administration, to include everyone who sided with him, are responsible for not heeding the words of five U.S. Congressmen who sent five separate letters to various agencies and departments exactly 90 days earlier. How so? […]

Libyan Leaks: Secret Document reveals Al-Qaeda ‘brother’ put in control of U.S. Embassy in Tripoli
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack A treasure trove of secret documents has been obtained by a Libyan source who says that secularists in his country are increasingly wanting to see Mitt Romney defeat Barack Obama on November 6th. This charge is being made despite Muslim Brotherhood losses in Libyan elections last July which resulted in […]
Is there a Huma Abedin connection to Hillary Clinton’s celebration of Muslim Holiday two days after 9/11?
There were two people introduced by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton inside the Ben Franklin room at a Muslim Eid dinner on September 13th, two days after Muslims attacked two U.S. Embassies and killed four Americans. One of the two people Hillary celebrated Eid with was Libya’s Ambassador to the U.S., Ali Sulaiman Aujali. The […]
Hillary Clinton wastes no time… Celebrates Muslim Holiday two days after 9/11 Attacks with man who supported Scotland’s release of Lockerbie Bomber
Two days after an act of war was committed against the United States in both Egypt and Libya, on sovereign American territory, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in the Ben Franklin Room in Washington, D.C., celebrating the end of Ramadan (Eid Mubarak). With her was Ali Sulaiman Aujali, Libya’s Ambassador to the United States, […]