Tag Archives | genocide


“All American Muslim” Imam Openly Supporting Terror and Genocide on US Arabic TV Network

Husham Al Husseini the “moderate” and “peace loving” Imam featured on All American Muslim, firmly supports the destruction of Israel (Genocide) and openly supports Iran and its agenda of Islamic dominance featured on ABN a Christian Arabic US TV network. Watch here:

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Turkish Genocide

Turkish Genocide Short video exposing the Muslim Genocide of Kurds and Armenians… http://www.shoebat.com/videos/kurdGenocide.php ALSO, please take a moment to visit our new Shopping Cart to rate and write a review for any products you have bought for us (or any product that is related to our Organization that we offer on our websites). http://www.ffmushop.com/ Thanks […]

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Voice of Martyr TV Report [January 2011]

In the January edition of the Persecution Report, you’ll meet “Ishmael” who went from persecuting Christians to be an evangelist and house church leader in Indonesia and the challenges he and his family have faced since leaving Islam for Christianity. Other reports include a Pakistani pastor who was beaten and now is facing death threats […]

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Dear Promoter of the Truth

Dear Friend and Supporter Be a promoter of the truth Be a proactive campaigner to expose the agenda of Islam and its messages of hate and domination. It is not politically incorrect to speak against Nazism, the KKK or other White supremacists; then it should not be politically incorrect to speak against and expose the […]

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