Tag Archives | muslim


Christian Pakistan leader killed over blasphemy law

Christian Pakistan leader killed over blasphemy law Nashville, USA: March 02, 2011, (PCTV Newsdesk) The only Christian in Pakistan’s government was assassinated March 2 after pushing for reform of harsh laws that mandate death for people who leave or “insult” Islam. Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan’s minister for minorities, had declared he was prepared to die for […]

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Walid Shoebat asks, “Turkey Plans to Invade Libya?”

TURKEY PLANS TO INVADE LIBYA? Statement from Walid Shoebat For years, I have said that some day Turkey will invade Libya. Daniel 11 tells us: “He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt with the Libyans and Nubians in submission.” (Daniel 11:43) Turkey currently has its […]

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Colonial Policies of the Past in the Middle East Means Freedom

Big Peace.com has been kind enough to ask me to be a contributor to their blog. Here is my first post. Colonial Policies of the Past in the Middle East Means Freedom Posted by Keith Davies Feb 26th 2011 at 3:58 pm on: http://bigpeace.com/kdavies/2011/02/26/colonial-policies-of-the-past-in-the-middle-east-means-freedom/#more-87176 Dictators ruled the Arab countries of the Middle East after World […]

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Egypt’s Revolution Robbed

Egypt’s Revolution Robbed STATEMENT FROM WALID SHOEBAT As the stage at Tahrir Square was set for the Friday Day of Victory to commemorate Egypt’s revolution, Wael Ghoneim – the mastermind youth behind the revolution – was set to speak when suddenly his speech was hijacked by guards forcing him to leave, hiding his face with […]

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Complicit with Evil

Complicit with Evil By Keith Davies Executive Director of the Walid Shoebat Foundation As Egypt and the rest of the Arab world descends into chaos we in America are either intellectually ill equipped to comprehend the problem or we are part of the problem and those that do comprehend the problem do not control the […]

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Walid Shoebat’s Interview on Lou Dobbs Radio Talk Show [02/15/2011]

..And WALID SHOEBAT, former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, talked about the surprising decision by President Mubarak to step down as President of Egypt, what it was like to be in the Muslim Brotherhood, and if they are the threat to democracy in Egypt that many believe… http://shoebat.org/audio/loudobbs021511.php

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Three Major Syndicated Interviews: Michael Medved, Rusty Humphries and Jim Bohannon

Click Here for the Michael Medved Interview… http://shoebat.org/audio/3syndicated3.php Click Here for the Rusty Humphries Interview… http://shoebat.org/audio/3syndicated2.php Click Here for the Jim Bohannon Interview… http://shoebat.org/audio/3syndicated.php

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The Arab Street Revolt and the Brotherhood: This Time It’s Different

The Arab Street Revolt and the Brotherhood: This Time It’s Different Click here for original article By Steven Simpson Thursday, February 3, 2011 When Mohamed Bouazzi of Tunisia immolated himself on December 17, 2010, the incident barely was mentioned in most news media. After all, who cared about a troubled and insulted man with economic […]

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INSIDE THE MIND OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD By Walid Shoebat 2/2/2011 PREPARE, [Wa-a-iddou] is a single Arabic word which appears on the Egyptian based Muslim Brotherhood’s logo written under the sign of the two swords, the symbol of Islamic Jihad. “Prepare” actually comes from the Quranic verse: “Prepare against them as you are able of […]

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Walid Shoebat’s Response to Egyptian Crisis

Friends The crisis in Egypt has opened up the doors of the media for Walid to explain to the public what is actually occurring there. Walid will be on The Hannity TV show tonight at 9.10 pm EST. On top of this, Walid appears today on The G. Gordon Liddy Show, Larry Elder, The Bull […]

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