Solid report from CNN on Asia Bibi convicted of death sentence for allegedly insulting Islam.
Tag Archives | pakistan
Pakistan and its “Bad Muslims”
Ahmadi is a sect of Islam that gets persecuted just as the Christians do, here is excellent video report on the issue..
Christian Pakistan leader killed over blasphemy law
Christian Pakistan leader killed over blasphemy law Nashville, USA: March 02, 2011, (PCTV Newsdesk) The only Christian in Pakistan’s government was assassinated March 2 after pushing for reform of harsh laws that mandate death for people who leave or “insult” Islam. Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan’s minister for minorities, had declared he was prepared to die for […]
Voice of Martyr TV Report [January 2011]
In the January edition of the Persecution Report, you’ll meet “Ishmael” who went from persecuting Christians to be an evangelist and house church leader in Indonesia and the challenges he and his family have faced since leaving Islam for Christianity. Other reports include a Pakistani pastor who was beaten and now is facing death threats […]