Tag Archives | state department


Egyptians storm U.S. Embassy; replace U.S. Flag with al-Qaeda Flag… on 9/11

Be sure to read our recent report, 9/11: 3000 Americans for Three Saudi Princes ———————– By reading news reports about Egyptian Muslims who scaled the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo – and then proceeded to take down the U.S. flag and replace it with an al-Qaeda flag – one might get the impression […]

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Egypt’s Mohamed Mursi and John McCain on same page over Syria – Why?

Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) used his speech at the Republican convention to give voice to a common refrain of his – that the United States should arm the Syrian rebels against Bashar al-Assad (video at bottom of this post). Almost simultaneously, Muslim Brotherhood leader / President of Egypt Mohamad Mursi was calling for the end […]

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Another Republican Congressman sides with Huma Abedin

Not sure how we missed this one but identifying all Republicans in Congress who are taking the side of Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin over Reps. Bachmann, et. al. is something we’d like to continue tracking. It’s safe to say that Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY) has chosen to employ Operation: Ostrich. Back […]

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Daily Beast’s Peter Beinart falls in line with Huma Abedin defenders; ignores argument altogether

You can always tell when leftists are losing an argument; they avoid the central component of it completely. The latest example comes from the Daily Beast’s Peter Beinart, who starts by insinuating that Muslims are victims of right-wing hatred; he then makes every part of his narrative fit that premise. In fact, his entire opening […]

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Deadline for IG’s to respond to Bachmann letters approaches; handling of Fast and Furious a good model

The longer that Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), and Tom Rooney (R-FL) remain on an island with respect to their Republican colleagues either denouncing them or leaving them stranded, the more courageous those five look. The mountains of evidence that have burgeoned forth since their initial letters […]

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Idaho’s two Republican Senators, one Republican Congressman asked to denounce Bachmann; all Three refuse

Marty Trillhaase, at the Lewiston Tribune in Idaho, is reporting that one prominent Republican Congressman from Idaho and both of that’s state’s U.S. Senators were asked to repudiate Rep. Michele Bachmann for raising questions about Huma Abedin. Trillhaase is not happy with any of them for refusing to do so. Via lmtribune.com: JEERS … to […]

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Weiner and Abedin upgrade their lifestyle

It Looks like the under-employed former Congressman Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton advisor, Huma Abedin have landed a plush pad in Manhattan. Here is an interesting excerpt from the NY Post article: Weiner hasn’t landed steady work since leaving office, according to sources. But some friends of the onetime rising star said he has consulting […]

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Newt Gingrich rebuts former Campaign official; says lack of foreign policy experience on Republican ticket an ‘advantage’

There seems to be a minor tete-a-tete going on between Newt Gingrich and Christian Whiton, a man who worked on the former House Speaker’s presidential campaign; Whiton also worked at the State Department from 2003 – 2009. In an interview yesterday, Whiton asserted that Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan was ‘unfortunate’ due to Ryan’s […]

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Another Republican Congressman comes out against Bachmann

The list of shame has grown by one (Democrats are excluded because they’ve migrated from the list of shame to a much more despicable list long ago). We can now add Rep. Mike Simpson (R-UT) to the list of Republican Congressmen / Senators (John McCain (R-AZ), John Boehner (R-OH), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Scott Brown (R-MA), […]

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Andrew McCarthy smacks down Dana Millbank with one Paragraph at NRO

Earlier today, we posted a response to the op-ed penned by the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank in which he attempted to smear Andrew McCarthy over the latter’s rightful questions about how Huma Abedin got a security clearance with the State Department. Millbank, who was at the press conference, attempted to diminish Abedin’s influence with Clinton, […]

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CNN’s Wolf Blitzer vigorously defends Huma Abedin in interview with Newt Gingrich

Wolf Blitzer, perhaps the most prominent anchor at CNN – the network that attempted to smear Walid as a ‘fraud’ – conducted an interview with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; the subject of Huma Abedin was discussed. Blitzer was nearly apoplectic when discussing the interest of Rep. Michele Bachmann, et. al. in the background of […]

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Video: Andrew McCarthy Press Conference on Muslim Brotherhood Penetration

Today, at the National Press Club, the prosecutor of the Blind Sheikh – Andrew McCarthy – gave a press conference the expounded on the penetration of the U.S. Government by the Muslim Brotherhood. As you can imagine, Huma Abedin was a main focal point. McCarthy explained why Huma’s access is so alarming. He again reiterated […]

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Diana West puts Huma Defenders in Check, not far from Checkmate

Anyone who is siding with Huma Abedin over the issue of the letters from Reps. Bachmann, Franks, Gohmert, Westmoreland, and Rooney is losing the argument BIG TIME. The latest example comes courtesy of Diana West, whose last four stanzas in her August 3rd column, drive a stake through the heart of any argument Huma’s defenders […]

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Claims of Former National Security Council official against Bachmann ring hollow

Former National Security Council / State Department official (1993-2000), Eric Schwartz is the latest to come out against Michele Bachmann’s questions about the background of Huma Abedin. Given what happened at the State Department during his time there (Abdurahman Alamoudi was an Islamic affairs advisor in the Clinton administration during the late 90’s and is […]

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Washington Examiner editor David Freddoso spikes Column on Huma Abedin

Diana West, a columnist whose articles appear in the Washington Examiner, wrote a piece about Huma Abedin, as well as the concerns expressed by Reps. Bachmann, Franks, Gohmert, Rooney, and Westmoreland about Abedin’s background and access to State secrets as Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff. Her editor (David Freddoso) refused to publish it and […]

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Accuracy in Media’s Kincaid: Produce Huma Abedin’s Security Clearance Form and end the dispute

Michele Bachmann and four other Congressmen want assurances that people like Huma Abedin have been adequately screened and pose no threat to national security based on her known familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. In response, they’ve been smeared by the likes of Keith Ellison, John (I? L?) Esposito, Huma’s sister Heba (Abedin? Khalid?), and […]

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