Walid was interviewed by Janet Parshall today and gave up a few clues about the upcoming Benghazi Bombshell report we will be releasing in the coming days. Today, Walid appeared on In the Market with Janet Parshall to talk on a variety of subjects. The interviewed opened with a discussion about the latest goings on […]
Tag Archives | talk radio

Barrack Show and the Real Huma Scandal
Today’s installment of the Barrack show is a day late due to some technical obstacles. Beginning at around the 27:00 mark, you will notice a change in quality. The live stream, which the show is recorded from was interrupted several times during the second half of the program. Had to dig until we could find […]
Why did Limbaugh avoid the real Huma Abedin scandal?
As expected, Rush Limbaugh placed the Anthony Weiner / Huma Abedin press conference at the top of his ‘stack of stuff’ on Wednesday, July 24, 2013. As Oklahoma City talk show host Reid Mullins pointed out, Limbaugh’s analysis of Abedin, which included her following the Hillary Clinton model for dealing with ‘bimbo eruptions’, was good […]
Today’s Ben Barrack show…
On today’s show… Calls for a House Select Committee into what happened at Benghazi grow louder as Rep. Frank Wolf’s bill gets renewed attention and interest. Wolf got some backup from Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) this week when Stockman indicated that he would force the issue. This all happened as a House Foreign Affairs Committee […]

Janine Turner has Walid back on to talk Benghazi
Janine Turner had Walid back on her show to talk on a variety of subjects, to include what really happened in Benghazi, the connection of President Obama’s brother to the IRS Scandal, and much more… Is it a good thing to be afflicted with Islamophobia? Get the new book from Walid Shoebat, The Case FOR […]
Bill Cunningham interviews Walid
Walid was interviewed by Bill Cunningham on Cunningham’s national talk radio show Sunday night to talk about… The latest developments in Egypt / Middle East George Zimmerman trial Racism Why is it taboo to ask if Obama a Muslm? And more…
Today’s Ben Barrack show
On Today’s show… Conspiracy by the DOJ to railroad George Zimmerman. What does the willingness of the DOJ to engage in conspiracies (Fast and Furious) say about the possibility that the attacks in Benghazi had to do with a conspiracy? Evidence is mounting… Also, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) introduced our report on Egypt’s involvement in […]
Ben Barrack appears on KTEK in Houston about Benghazi
After learning that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher had introduced our report into the Congressional record during a Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee hearing, Ben Barrack appeared on the Price of Business with Kevin Price on KTEK 1110 in Houston to talk about it. Here is segment 1: Here is segment 2:
Janine Turner interviews Walid Shoebat about Egypt
Janine Turner interviewed Walid on her radio show today. They spoke on a wide array of topics to include what’s going on in Egypt, Obama’s Muslim family and why it’s so taboo to talk about the president’s Muslim background. New questions about what happened in Benghazi also came up. Is it a good thing to […]

Walid Talks Egypt and Benghazi with Janet Parshall
Walid appeared on In the Market with Janet Parshall today to discuss the latest developments in Egypt from both a political and Biblical perspective (Isaiah 19). Be sure to listen all the way to the end as the conversation turns toward the increasingly mounting evidence that Egypt in general, Mohammed Mursi in particular, was involved […]
Audio: Michael Savage interviews Walid about developments in Egypt
Walid appeared on the Savage Nation with Michael Savage this evening to talk about what’s going on in Egypt.
Audio: Walid talks Egypt and Benghazi on WRKO in Boston with Jeffrey Kuhner
Jeffrey Kuhner had Walid Shoebat on the show again today to talk about the latest developments in Egypt as well as the mounting evidence that President Mohammed Mursi was involved in the 9/11/12 attacks in Benghazi:
Audio: Walid and Theodore Shoebat interview with Rick Wiles of Trunews about Glenn Beck
Rick Wiles of Trunews interviews Walid and Theodore about their work on Glenn Beck:
Audio: Walid interviews with Jeff Kuhner on WRKO 680
Walid appeared on the Kuhner Report this morning on WRKO 680 in Boston to talk about a wide range of topics, including the latest developments in Syria, the relationship of President Obama’s half-brother Malik Obama with the Sudanese government, and Huma Abedin’s loyalties.
We were Wrong about Glenn Beck
Walid Shoebat Dear Fredrick Murphy, I want to thank you for pointing out what I did not know about Glenn Beck and that he “publicly says he believes Jesus Christ is his savior”. Thank you also for clarifying that his non-belief in the Trinity is a non-issue and should not be exposed. You are right. […]
Audio: Ben Barrack radio show
On today’s program… Last year, Rep. Michele Bachmann helped put Huma Abedin in the news. This year, Senator Charles Grassley seems to be doing it. Also, why are Republicans like Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Reps. John Carter (R-TX), Paul Ryan (R-WI), John Boehner, et. al. pushing the immigration agenda of a scandal-ridden presidency?? Shouldn’t they […]