In a stunning development, some of the documents recovered from Osama bin Laden’s compound by Navy SEALS were introduced by federal prosecutors as evidence in the trial of a terrorism suspect. The documents reveal and confirm an actual working relationship between Iran and al-Qaeda. An explosive article from Thomas Joscelyn zeroes in on one of […]
Tag Archives | Trial
Request to Arrest President found in Home of Prosecutor Who Was Found Shot Dead Hours Before He Was to Prove His Government CONSPIRED with IRAN to Coverup Terror Attack
Update to this story at Hours before he was to drop a bombshell on the Argentinian government about its involvement in collaborating with Iran in the decades-long coverup of the worst terror attack in Argentina’s history, prosecutor Alberto Nisman was found dead in his apartment. The cause of death was a bullet wound to […]
Deposed Muslim Brotherhood Leader Going on Trial for Spying on Behalf of U.S. ‘Ally’ Alleged to have Paid Bribes in U.S. Dollars
Buried at the bottom of a report about how an Egyptian court has upheld the death sentences of nearly 200 Muslim Brotherhood loyalists could be a far more telling development. The deposed president of that country – Mohammed Mursi – is scheduled to go to trial later this month on charges that include spying for […]
Ex-Congressman Central To Benghazi Investigation Who Resigned To Do Talk Radio Only Doing Three Minutes Per Day (No Phone Calls)
On Today’s show… The talk radio career of newly retired Congressman and former Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) Mike Rogers has taken an interesting turn. When it was announced on March 28, 2014 that Rogers would be doing show with Cumulus in January of 2015, it was expected that he […]
Ex-President and Muslim Brotherhood Leader Denies Collaborating with U.S. in Espionage Trial
Three days after the Obama administration came to the defense of the Muslim Brotherhood in response to an online petition demanding the group be designated as a terrorist organization, the trial of former Egyptian President and Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Mursi, began. Mursi is being tried for espionage and his legal team argued that Mursi’s […]
Inside the Mind of a Traitor
French General Philippe Pétain went from WWI hero to WWII traitor. He became an agent of the Nazis and even helped round up Jews for trips to concentration camps. Did Pétain suddenly become diabolically evil? Such traitors are devoid of a conscience. But what of men who have a conscience but ignore it while twisting […]
Trial EXTREMELY Damaging to Obama being Covered Up
On Today’s Show… In 2006, former CIA Director James Woolsey gave a speech in which he seemed to strongly imply that rogue regimes in the Middle East should be overthrown. The strategy expressed a desire to make the Hosni Mubarak regime and the Saudi Royal family ‘nervous’ by the U.S. turning its attention to Syria, […]

Blaming Video the BEST DEFENSE for Benghazi Suspect AND America
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Far be it from us to offer legal advice to the defense team of Ahmed Abu Khatallah but paradoxically, if taken, it could ultimately help Americans get the whole truth about Benghazi. In response to an 11-page motion filed by the U.S. Justice Department, which alleges that […]
American Muslim Beats His Wife And Murders Her For Not Cooking Him a Goat
A pliant western media that likes to differentiate between moderate islam and radical Islam just got a major hole blown in its theory. A ‘moderate’ 75 year-old muslim man is using the defense that it is customary in Pakistan to beat your wife, implying that such beatings should be allowed in the U.S. if they’re […]
Mursi Trial Day 1: Trial Delayed until January
Trials of Muslim Brotherhood leaders were supposed to commence this past August; they were delayed. Today, former Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi arrived for his trial but proceedings didn’t get very far; the trial was adjourned and is being postponed for another two months. The optics, however, were a bit unflattering for Mursi, who was photographed […]
Trial of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood leaders delayed
Three primary Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leaders – Mohamed Badie, Khairat Al-Shater, and Rashad Bayoumi – were set to be put on trial today but after they didn’t show up, the judge adjourned the trial for two months. Via Egypt Independent: South Cairo Criminal Court has requested Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie and his two […]
Boom! Evidence U.S. Bribed Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood?
By Walid Shoebat Egypt’s Attorney General Hisham Barakat is looking into evidence that arrested Muslim Brotherhood leaders accepted bribes from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, according to a report from Almesryoon, an Egyptian newspaper that cites a “judicial source”. The trials that are scheduled to begin in Cairo on August 25th will feature a litany […]
Fort Hood Jihad: The Beard stays but the Mask is off the Military’s highest court
The new judge in the trial of Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan has taken only two weeks since replacing the previous judge – who was thrown off the case by the military’s highest court after ruling Hasan would have to be shaved – to rule that Hasan will be allowed to keep his beard […]
Judge in Nidal Malik Hasan trial names Eric Holder
There appears to be some significant developments in the trial of Fort Hood jihadist, Nidal Malik Hasan involving both highly sensitive evidence that has been obtained via the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978 and a sworn declaration provided by Attorney General Eric Holder. Via the Killeen Daily Herald: A federal judge ordered that […]
1st Lt. Michael Behenna loses final Military Appeal
For those new to the maddening story of 1st Lt. Michael Behenna, we wrote about it here. Feel free to get up to speed before digesting the outrageous new development. Behenna now has scant few options left after losing his final military appeal. Via Bob McCarty (h/t Atlas): Short of a presidential pardon or Supreme […]
Nidal Malik Hasan’s Attorneys claiming Military screening out Muslims from Jury Pool
Apparently, Nidal Malik Hasan’s Defense team is expressing concerns that the Military is discriminating against potential Muslim jurors. Uh, yeah, you read that right. From Ben Barrack, via the Temple Daily Telegram: The jury panel selection process for the court-martial of Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal M. Hasan has been described by the defense team as […]