Tag Archives | Winston Churchill


British Prime Minister: Qur’an is an “Accursed book”

Sir Winston Churchill was not the only British Prime Minister who despised Islam. Four time British Prime Minister William Gladstone (last term ended in 1894) was not a fan either. Via Jihad Watch: William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) was Prime Minister of Great Britain four times: 1868–74, 1880–85, 1886 and 1892–94. He called the Qur’an an […]

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Why is Sean Hannity doing this?

There are several reasons why high profile individuals do not speak the truth about something. It can be tactical or it can be for career preservation. Wikileaks all but proved it is rarely out of ignorance. Enter Sean Hannity. He has publicly stated his position that Islam is not the problem. Instead, it is “RADICAL” […]

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Retired General seems to make case for Leftists being afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome

Retired 3-star General Jerry Boykin makes one compelling case that leftists are the equivalent of sheep who are supporting wolves that will turn on them as soon as it’s a viable option. Boykin was interviewed by the Daily Caller: “The left has become apologists for the Muslim Brotherhood — that includes not only the gay […]

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