Tag Archives | World War II

Inside the Mind of a Traitor

French General Philippe Pétain went from WWI hero to WWII traitor. He became an agent of the Nazis and even helped round up Jews for trips to concentration camps. Did Pétain suddenly become diabolically evil? Such traitors are devoid of a conscience. But what of men who have a conscience but ignore it while twisting […]

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Hitler-Islam Bus Ads leave American Muslim Leader Looking like Deer in the Headlights

An ad showing Adolf Hitler meeting with the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Muslim Brotherhood leader will be appearing on the sides of metro buses all across Washington, DC. In response, the leader of a Muslim Brotherhood front group… had no coherent response. Last week, Shoebat.com reported on the American Freedom Defense Initiative’s bus […]

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Nazi Flag flying over Palestinian Village shouldn’t come as a Shock but does

With this post comes another reference to what should be common knowledge but is continuously ignored – Islamic fundamentalists and Nazis are like-minded. That a Nazi flag would be flying over a Palestinian village near a Mosque should actually be less shocking than the fact that so many are shocked by it. Via The Blaze: […]

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Albany High School assignment: Think like a Nazi and demonstrate Jews are Evil

Hitler’s propaganda expert Joseph Goebbels argued that the if a lie is repeated often enough, it will be accepted as truth. These days, all anyone has to do to confirm that is watch MSNBC. Goebbels also said the following: “…the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is […]

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‘Tis the Season for Treason

In a video, Bill Whittle explained the difference between a ‘traitor’ and a ‘turncoat’. The former describes an individual who actively fights against his nation because he/she opposes it based on ideology, principles, or some agenda. The latter describes an individual who changes sides because the enemy is winning. In the case of America’s most […]

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Video: Useful Idiocy and Stockholm Syndrome on Steroids; Jewish leftist attacks Bachmann for her concerns about Muslim Brotherhood

His name is Sam Seder; he is a Jewish leftist who is fighting those who are trying to warn him and defending those who laugh at how easy it is to get him to do their bidding. That is at the very essence of Stockholm Syndrome. It’s people like Seder who are able to provide […]

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McCarthy: this Egyptian mess was easy to predict

One day, people like Andrew McCarthy will be listened to by the know-it-alls but that day will come much later than it should. Egypt’s Predictable Unraveling Includes this Hillary / Huma excerpt: Western democracy has Judeo-Christian underpinnings. At its core is the equal dignity of every person. This sacred commitment, ironically, enables our bedrock secular […]

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Why are Jewish leaders ignoring the lessons of History?

When Walid first began speaking out, we begged Jewish leaders and institutions to help sponsor and promote his speeches at Universities. A standard answer we received in response was something like, “Mr. Shoebat does not believe in a two-state solution, which is the policy of the Israeli government.” They refused to support our efforts; that […]

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