At yesterday’s House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, Undersecretary for Management at the State Department, Patrick Kennedy testified about the Accountability Review Board’s findings relative to security at Benghazi before the attack last year. In an exchange between Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA), Royce seems to refer to the findings in a report from the House Oversight […]
Archive | September 19, 2013
Huma’s mother and Liz Cheney at U.S.-IWF (in 2006)
First, to be clear, this is not a simple matter of guilt by association. As we’ve previously reported, the U.S.-Islamic World Forum (U.S.-IWF) that was held in Doha, Qatar earlier this year had some very interesting figures in attendance. Multiple Muslim Brotherhood representatives were on-hand, as was Thomas Pickering, Chairman of the Benghazi Accountability Review […]

Clintons’ Brotherhood Employee tied to Al-Shater
When Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns went to Egypt last month, along with Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), there was one imprisoned Muslim Brotherhood leader Burns seemed to take most interest in. That prisoner was Khairat al-Shater. The meeting between the two men was quite secretive but lasted approximately 90 minutes, […]