David Wood of Answering Muslims has posted a very informative video in which he analyzes the Nairobi Westgate Mall terror attack relative to what the Qur’an says. Western leaders like British Prime Minister David Cameron continue to deny reality and Wood nails him on it. The truth is simple to understand – unless you’re a politician. Al-Shabaab was acting in accordance to the dictates of their religion.
Via Acts 17 Apologetics (h/t Jawa):
Serving to underscore Wood’s point rather nicely is the transcript of a speech given by Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, the leader of Al-Shabaab, about the attack. Contrary to David Cameron’s delusional statements, the horse’s mouth provides the uncomfortable truth, via TwitLonger (h/t Jihad Watch):
All praise is due to Almighty Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and victory is for the Muttaqeen (the pious believers) and there is no animosity except against the oppressors, and may peace and blessings be upon the noblest of Prophets and Messengers. As for what follows:
Allah, the Exalted, said:
“And when they advanced to meet Jalut (Goliath) and his forces, they invoked: “Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience, and make our feet firm and make us victorious over the disbelieving people.
So they routed them by Allah’s Leave and Dawud (David) killed Jalut (Goliath), and Allah gave him [Dawud (David)] the kingdom and Al-Hikmah (Prophethood), and taught him of that which He willed. And if Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief. But Allah is full of bounty to the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists)
And the Messenger of Allah, may peace and blessing be upon him, said:
“I have been sent ahead of the Hour with the sword so that Allaah will be worshipped alone without partners, and my provision has been placed under the shade of my spear, and humiliation has been decreed for those who go against my command”
On Saturday 21 September 2013, and which was just 10 days after the anniversary date of the blessed 911 operations, a battle which is among the epic battles in the history of Islam began in Nairobi, and in which some of the Mujahideen Martyrom Seekers have written with their blood. Allah has honoured the Mujahideen fighters to write this epic battle – the Badar of Nairobi – with their blood and to change the course of history and avenge the deaths of the weak, oppressed Muslims.
The Mujahideen fighters refused to accept the invasion of their Muslim lands and the massacre of innocent Muslims and live with such humiliation. They could not accept the persistent theft of their land’s resources which the Kenyan leaders and Western companies have conspired to plunder.
To read the entire transcript, click here.