By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack
The refusal of President Obama to admit guilt and come clean in the Benghazi fiasco is a great case-in-point to show what happens when politicians get infected with a debilitating disease. It’s called Strassmeir Syndrome, which is: the refusal to admit wrongdoing in the interest of self-preservation, even when said admission would prevent greater tragedies.
This is certainly not the first case of Strassmeir Syndrome in recent U.S. history. To further understand where the term comes from, one must look at Obama’s predecessors – George W. Bush and Bill Clinton – who were also afflicted. In his book, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton, author Ambrose Evans-Pritchard provides the basis for naming the condition.
According to Pritchard, Clinton went beyond the boundaries of the law to dismantle Timothy McVeigh’s neo-Nazi group just prior to the Oklahoma city bombing by introducing Mr. Andreas Strassmeir as an informant for the Feds, who encouraged Timothy McVeigh and his colleagues inside Elohim City, to set a bomb. The intent was a sting operation but the result was a total disaster.
Had Strassmeir disclosed his role in the Oklahoma city bombing and come clean, Bill Clinton most likely would not have been re-elected in 1996. Instead, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government really kicked into gear during Clinton’s second term, which we have detailed at During that second term, Clinton refused to take out Osama bin Laden, which could have prevented 9/11 and history would have been much different.
All this leads to our newly identified malady. Strassmeir is certainly not the only individual afflicted with the syndrome bearing his name.
Evans-Pritchard interviewed Strassmeir, who reportedly fled the U.S. after the bombing. Here is the relevant exchange:
Evans-Pritchard: There comes a time in every botched operation when the informant has to speak out to save his own skin, and that’s now, Andreas.
Strassmeir: How can he? What happens if it was a sting operation from the very beginning? What happens if it comes out that the plant was a provocateur?
Evans-Pritchard: A provocateur?
Strassmeir: What if he talked and manipulated the others into it… The relatives of the victims are going to go crazy. He’s going to be held responsible for the murder of 168 people… Of course the informant can’t come forward. He’s scared… right now. – Unsung Davids, p. 238
The engagement and courting of Muslim Brotherhood leaders during the Bush campaign, in the beginning months of his administration, and even after 9/11 continued thanks largely to Grover Norquist. Instead of fessing up to those relationships after 9/11, the Bush administration – with Karl Rove as a major player – contracted Strassmeir Syndrome and continued them.
An admission by figures like Rove, that the Bush administration’s embrace of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the U.S. – both before and after 9/11 – would be very difficult; that doesn’t make it any less necessary. The Bush White House implemented a fatally flawed policy against America’s enemies that has helped to put Americans themselves in greater danger. The problem is that the longer Strassmeir Syndrome’s high level victims succumb to their malady, the more the danger level rises.

Rove carrying book by Muslim Brotherhood author (Saffuri is fourth from right in photo, Alamoudi on far left)

Then Governor Bush (Saffuri in far left of photo, Alamoudi the tallest in back) holds book by Muslim Brotherhood author.
Take the example of Khaled Saffuri and Norquist, who co-founded the Islamic Free Market Institute (IFMI) togehter at the end of the Clinton administration. Norquist got the attention of Rove in his efforts to appeal to Muslim voters. The problem was that Khaled was connected to groups and individuals that shared al-Qaeda’s ideology, if not its tactics. In the days after 9/11, Bush visited the Washington, DC mosque and stood shoulder to shoulder with Saffuri and Muslim Brotherhood front group leader Nihad Awad.
Whether Bush and Rove were duped by Norquist is inconsequential when talking about Strassmeir Syndrome. An article written in the weeks after 9/11 indicates that intelligence and law enforcement officials knew better:
According to one intelligence official who recently left the government, a number of counterterrorism agents at the FBI and CIA are “pissed as hell about the situation [in the White House] and pissed as hell about Grover.”
If Rove had been duped by Norquist then, why did his PAC give Norquist $26 Million in 2012? Did Rove have a Strassmeir Syndrome flare-up?
Circa 2000, inside the Texas Governor’s mansion, Saffuri was part of a Muslim delegation that visited George W. Bush and gave the soon-to-be President a book written by Ismail al-Faruqi. Al-Faruqi was a founder of at least two Muslim Brotherhood groups. Also photographed with Bush and Rove was a man who provided tens of thousands of dollars in seed money to Saffuri and Norquist – Abdurahman Alamoudi.
In an undated photo, Saffuri and Alamoudi posed with Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) and then chairman of Dar al-Hijrah mosque, Bassam Estwani, a very big fish in Muslim Brotherhood’s stealth jihad effort:
Alamoudi founded the mosque in Boston visited by the Boston Marathon bombers. In the weeks after that bombing, then FBI Director Robert Mueller inexplicably denied knowing this in sworn Congressional testimony, despite being appointed by George W. Bush one week prior to 9/11 and serving through the rest of Bush’s two terms and Obama’s first term. Alamoudi was sentenced to more than 20 years on terrorism charges during Mueller’s tenure. Mueller’s denial smacked of Strassmeir Syndrome.
Today, the Obama administration has essentially exploited the Brotherhood’s earlier efforts; infiltration is just plain bald-faced and unadulterated. Yet, when Rep. Michele Bachmann attempted to call attention to this infiltration in 2012, more Republican figures attacked her than who defended her.
The 2012 Benghazi attacks now seek new victims of Strassmeir Syndrome. The best way to prevent it would be for all those who are currently afflicted with it to find a cure for themselves and admit the truth, no matter what.