The call came in the early hours, the voice muffled, furtive and shaking with fear. ‘If they see me talking to someone they will kill me for sure, maybe kill all of us.’
This was Nisreen, a 17-year-old seized by the vicious Islamic State forces who have swept through Iraq and Syria spreading fear and panic.
She told how she was one of 96 Yazidi girls kidnapped when their towns and villages fell to the fanatics.
Now these teenagers wait in terror to be sold into slavery or forced into marriage with militant Islamists.
‘I know this exact number because I hear them talking,’ said Nisreen. ‘We are sure they have sold us. We do not fear for our lives but for our dignity as women.’
It was a brave phone call from a desperate woman.
The world has heard the hideous stories of refugees fleeing the jihadists but here, for the first time, was a voice from the other side: from a kidnap victim trapped in IS’s newly-won territory.
The husband of another teenage woman, heavily pregnant, held captive by the IS told me how she would rather the US bombed her prison – with her inside – than be handed out like a piece of property to an extremist fighter.
She said: ‘Let those jets come to bomb us and save us from this situation by killing all of us.’ She added death would be a better fate than to ‘be forced off with a strange man.’

Salem (19)
Husband of missing Hayam – who is 8 months pregnant and being held captive by ISIS/ISIL in Iraq
We are already in Kurdistan with good partners working on ground. We have also dispatched our international director to negotiate the exodus of Christians and other threatened people from Kurdistan. Pray that we can organize their escape. Your prayers, donations, and your sharing our work with other concerned Christians is vital to our success, and with your support we will by the Grace of God save thousands. Iraq is getting the headline news but today we saved 3 families from slavery in Pakistan, we will have a full report with video testimonies in a few days. CLICK HERE TO DONATE