As a point of clarification, Daniel Greenfield is an excellent reporter at Frontpage Magazine but his defense of Google relative to its insistence that The Interview and Innocence of Muslims remain available via YouTube is seriously misplaced. To be fair, he’s by far not the only one. While qualifying his stance by saying he’s no […]
Archive | 2014
ISIS Plants Bombs In Catholic Church on Christmas Day and Blows it up Next Day
While Obama insists that “ISIL is not Islamic”, he never does feel compelled to insist that neither is the group Christian. Ironically, that’s as self-explanatory as it being Islamic. The latest example comes courtesy of a Catholic Church blown to bits. The bombs were reportedly planted on Christmas Day and detonated the following day, Islam’s […]
Police Union Head Acknowledges Muslim Threat but Mayor Wants Him to Ignore It
The rise in terrorist attacks in Canada is not coincidence. As reported, the ISIS Manifesto calls for attacks inside that country as well as in the U.S. and across Europe. More specifically, the attacks are increasingly being targeted at law enforcement. Understandably, the head of the police union in Montreal, Canada is expressing concerns. […]
Muslims Are Calling To Revive An Ancient Horrifying Execution Method Against U.S. Led Coalition Pilots
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) If you think ISIS’s killing methods are bad wait till you see what one video in Arabic done by a Muslim lady dressed in a Hijab circulated to Muslims worldwide. The video was a complaint to Caliph al-Baghdadi of ISIS as “the call of Muslim mothers” arguing that such methods […]
Muslims Rush Into Church In Germany, Scream “Fucking Christians!” And “Christians Are Shit!” And Begin Throwing Rocks At The Nativity Scene
By Theodore Shoebat In Germany, in small city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers rushed into a church during the service and began to scream, “Fucking Christians!” and “Christians are shit!” They then began to throw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. I did a whole video on this: According to one Germany report, […]
Cyber Security Expert Slams FBI Evidence against North Korea in SONY Attack Over Movie After FBI Informant Made Anti-Muslim Video
A highly reputable internet security expert is torpedoing the evidence presented by the FBI that North Korea was actually behind the recent cyber attack on SONY that the American people have been told was in response to The Interview, a movie that includes the assassination of Kim Jon Un. Marc Rogers, the principal security researcher […]
Muslims Attack 13 Year Old Christian Girl, Brutally Murder Her Parents, Take Her From Her Home And Cruelly Butcher Her
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Libya, all members of the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia, did a home invasion on a Coptic Christian family. They brutally murdered the father, whose name was Magdy Sobhi Tawfik, and the mother, who were both doctors. They then captured their 13 year old daughter, Katherine. Her body was found today, […]
Obama Wants Group With Ties To ’93 and ’01 WTC Attacks Removed from Terror List
Last month, an Islamic country – the United Arab Emirates (UAE) designated two Islamic groups in the U.S. as terrorist organizations. Since that time, the Obama administration been trying to get those organizations off the list. The two groups – the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) – have distinct […]
Bachmann: Obama Supports ‘Agenda’ of Muslims Who want to Turn ‘U.S.’ into ‘Islamic Caliphate’
During a radio interview with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council (FRC), outgoing Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) asserted that President Barack Obama has embraced ‘the agenda of Islamic jihad’, which includes the destruction of Israel and the conversion of the ‘United States into an Islamic Caliphate’. While acknowledging that the charge sounds outrageous, Bachmann […]
ISIS Makes New Law: If Any Christian Gets Caught Reading The Bible, He Will Be Executed (ITS TIME FOR CHRISTIANS TO START FIGHTING BACK)
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS has made a new rule: if you get caught reading the Bible, you will be executed. According to one report: The statement specifically states that “Muslims do not hear the recitation of their books out loud”, effectively banning any Christians from openly reading the Bible or singing psalms. Likewise, all acts […]

Jesus Is Seen Appearing All Over The World
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Jesus has been appearing all over the world and has been seen by many who even took photos of Him. While some might discount my claim as bizarre I will prove it. Jesus as I dicovered can be seen and it is not difficult to have Him appear to you as well. You can […]
U.S. Military Takes Out Slew of Muslim Terrorists
If you have the time, worth the watch. U.S. military taking the time to rid the world of dozens of Muslim terrorists. Note how instead of laying waste to the entire tent village, pilots go to great pains to only target individuals with weapons. As the likes of Hamas builds tunnels underneath hospitals, schools and […]
Google Needs to be Subpoenaed to Determine Who was REALLY Behind Anti-Muslim Video
Google holds the answer to an extremely important question. Who was behind the naming of the video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks? A subpoena issued to Google with the sole purpose of answering that question could lead to the Obama administration itself. On December 15th, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court heard arguments […]
ISIS Takes Christian Children, While They Are Alive, Tear Open Their Bodies, Pull Their Organs And Bring Them To Saudi Arabia And Turkey
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS is taking young Christian children, as well as Shiites and others, tearing open their bodies as they are still breathing, tear out their organs, and bringing them into Turkey and Saudi Arabia. According to one report, the “body parts aren’t just harvested from soldiers killed in combat, but from living, breathing […]
If Obama and Holder have Blood of NYPD Cops on their Hands, So Do 535 Members of Congress
Many are making the argument that the blood of NYPD police officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, who were murdered execution-style by a Muslim, is on the hands of President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Mayor Bill de Blasio and race hustler Al Sharpton. The NYPD itself is making no bones about blaming de […]
Obama Giving Terrorist States Billions of Dollars, Spies, Terrorist Commanders and Cop Killers
Cuba is still an officially designated State Sponsor of Terrorism. It also continues providing safe harbor to convicted cop killer Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur) and two members from the “Republic of New Africa” responsible for murdering another police officer. The President of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) recently wrote a letter to President […]