Archive | 2014

The Secret To Know Why We Are Doomed And Divided And Are Not Ready To Fight ISIS And The Muslim Threat

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The most typical response I get after writing articles on the necessity to combat ISIS via warfare is a comment that some coward posts on my blog that usually goes like this: “Jesus never killed anyone or instructed to killing one soul in His life”. In which I always respond […]

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Dhimmis Down Under wear Hijabs to Honor Muslim Holiday as Christians Slaughtered by ISIS Muslims

Let’s see, all over the Middle East, Muslims are slaughtering people in the name of Islam. One would think that non-Muslim Australian women who’d want to organize would do so to show solidarity with the victims of such Islamic persecution. Instead, one particular group of non-Muslim women donned hijabs and organized to show support for… […]

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British Prime Minister David ‘The Dhimmi’ Cameron Brings Muslims to 10 Downing Street and Insists ISIS not Islamic

If you’re able to watch this all the way through, you should get an award. British Prime Minister David Cameron couldn’t have embarrassed himself more if he’d have given this speech wearing nothing more than shoes and socks. The occasion was an Eid reception at 10 Downing Street and Cameron referenced the atrocities committed by […]

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Christian Pastor Gets Kidnapped By Muslims And Remains In Captivity For TEN MONTHS

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian pastor in Nigeria was kidnapped By Muslim Boko Haram jihadists, and was kept in captivity for ten months. The report reads: Christian pastor Rotimi Obajimi has escaped from terror group Boko Haram in Nigeria after nearly 10 months in captivity and has been brought back to his church, reports said. […]

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Muslims Fire Grenade Launcher Into Christian Church, It Explodes And Slaughters Two Christians

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in the Filipino island of Mindanao fired a grenade launcher into a Christian church, slaughtering two Christians and injuring seven more. According to one report: Two worshippers were killed and seven others wounded when motorcycle-riding suspects fired a grenade launcher at a Protestant church service in North Cotabato province in restive […]

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Muslim Fort Hood Shooter Sends Letter To Pope Francis, Entitled, “A Warning to Pope Francis”

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Hasan, sent a letter to Pope Francis, entitled, “A Warning to Pope Francis”, according to a report: Nidal Hasan, the jihadist former U.S. military psychiatrist who shot 31 people, murdering 13 at the Ft. Hood military center in Texas in 2009, sent a threatening letter to Pope […]

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Russian Government Plans To Sign Bill Obligating All Tattoo Artists To Warn People On The Dangers Of Getting Tattoos

By Theodore Shoebat The Russian parliament (Duma) is planning on signing a bill that will obligate all tattoo artists to warn their customers on the dangers of getting tattoos before they get tattooed. As one report states: The Russian parliament has started debating a bill making tattoo artists warn their clients about the possible dangerous […]

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British Government Deems Islamic School Illegal, And Has Police Officers Raid The School

By Theodore Shoebat An Islamic school in England, called the Siddeeq Academy, was deemed “illegal” after it was found to be connected with the jihadist group, Al-Muhajiroon. British police officers forcibly broke into the Siddeeq Academy as part of an ongoing anti-terror project, that has already raided the home of four Muslims liked with terrorism. […]

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Obama Caught by Twitter Using Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Tactic while Describing ISIS as ‘Not Islamic’

Exactly one month ago, Barack Obama stood in front of the American people and told them a bald-faced lie when he said, “ISIL is not Islamic”. He said this not because it was true but because stealth Muslim Brotherhood agents in the U.S. needed him to say it. Just five days prior to his speech, […]

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What Every Christian Needs To Know About All Of The Christians Who Saved Jews In The Holocaust

By Thomas King  A growing list of Orthodox Christians that rescued Jews during the Holocaust era Much has been said regarding the famed Yad Vashem awards given to a number of Roman Catholics and Protestants. What needs to be noted however, is that there were just as many Orthodox Christians who were participants of rescuing […]

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The Vatican Is Going To Be Conducting Major Meeting On Persecuted Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The Vatican will be doing conducting a major meeting on the persecution of Christians in Syria and Iraq: A consistory for the causes of saints has been expanded to include a discussion of the situation facing Christians in the Middle East. The announcement was made by the Dean of the College of […]

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Muslim Slaughter And Wound 24,000 People, Kidnap The Children And Force Them To Soldiers, And Enforce The Women Into Sex Slavery

By Theodore Shoebat A recent UN report shows that ISIS has slaughtered and wounded 24,000 people, and also kidnap children and make them soldiers and enforce women into sex slavery:   A United Nations report highlighting the human rights violations of the Islamic State’s jihadist campaign in Iraq found that while over 24,000 Iraqi civilians […]

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American Senator Tells Obama That He Needs To Defend The Christians Being Killed By ISIS

By Theodore Shoebat   Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) has told Obama that he needs to defend the Christians being killed by ISIS: Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) urged President Obama to provide Congress a “coherent” strategy to stop the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) from killing Christians in Iraq. “The Obama administration hasn’t laid […]

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Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett in 2016

The 30-year plan for a Muslim takeover of the U.S. announced by Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi in 1989 expires in 2020. Should Hillary Clinton be elected president in 2016 and retain Muslim Sisterhood daughter Huma Abedin as her close adviser, the end of Clinton’s first term would correspond with the end of that […]

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As Predicted: Turkey Will Not Put Boot On The Ground To Go After ISIS

By Walid Shoebat So what happened with all the mounting international pressure and all the hoopla on key NATO member Turkey for a military intervention against ISIS in Syria? Well, as we stated so many times in the past in which we can sum up the relationship of Turkey and ISIS is that the two […]

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Muslim Brotherhood Leader who Visited White House to Criticize al-Qaeda after 9/11 is now Criticizing ISIS

During a recent sermon at his mosque, the former president of a Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S. and current religious director of the Islamic Society of Orange County (ISOC) Muzammil Siddiqi condemned ISIS and its claim of a Caliphate. A look at Siddiqi’s history might prove instructive as far as why he is […]

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