This Is Why Azerbaijan Just Attacked Armenia By Shoebat on November 16, 2021 in Featured, General, Highlight My thoughts on why Azerbaijan just attacked the Syunik region of Armenia: Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInPrintMoreSkypeWhatsAppTelegramPocketPinterestTumblr Continue Reading 0
Kyle Rittenhouse Is Innocent By Shoebat on November 16, 2021 in Featured, General, Highlight My thoughts on the Rittenhouse case: Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInPrintMoreSkypeWhatsAppTelegramPocketPinterestTumblr Continue Reading 0
How Resident Evil Illustrates The Sinister Side Of Humanity By Shoebat on November 16, 2021 in Featured, General, Highlight My thoughts on video games, cults and the sinister side of humanity: Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInPrintMoreSkypeWhatsAppTelegramPocketPinterestTumblr Continue Reading 0