Archive | March 2, 2022

centuria 7

The Ukrainian Military Releases This Message To Russia: All Russian Soldiers “Will Be Slaughtered Like Pigs.”

The Command of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine just posted up a message on its Facebook page for all Russian soldiers, stating that they “will be slaughtered like pigs.” Using Google translate, we can read the message as such: The SSO Brotherhood of Ukraine sends its greetings to the Russian […]

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ukrainian refugees

836,000 Ukrainians Flee Ukraine As Refugees

836,000 Ukrainian refugees have fled Ukraine, as we read in SM News:  The UN brought new statistics on refugees and displaced persons from Ukraine, there are already 836,000 such people in the Eurozone. The number of refugees from Ukraine in neighboring countries has risen to 836,000, according to figures from the United Nations High Commissioner […]

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ukraine criminals

Ukraine Is Releasing Criminals From Prison, Giving Them Weapons And Having Them Fight The Russians

The Ukrainian government gave away weapons to civilians so that they could defend against Russian forces. The problem is that these guns were also given to criminals, according to the Russian Defense Ministry who said: “Armed gangs of marauders, robbers and nationalists who received weapons as a result of the criminal decision of the authorities to […]

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