Archive | August 7, 2024

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Hezbollah Is Now Planning On Hitting Tel Aviv

Hezbollah is now planning on hitting Tel Aviv, in the midst of all of the tensions in the air between Israel and Lebanon and Iran, as we read in Haaretz: Israel, in line with policy, so far hasn’t launched a preemptive strike on either Iran or Hezbollah, but is instead preparing to thwart the attack […]

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Major Israeli Politician Declares: ‘We Would Love To Starve Millions Of Gazans To Death, But We Can’t Because Of International Pressure.’

Major Israeli politician, Bezalel Smotrich, recently stated that it would be good to starve millions of Gazans to death, but that Israel can’t do this due to international pressure, as we read in Haaretz: French and German foreign ministries strongly condemned Israel’s far-right finance minister on Wednesday for comments he made earlier this week in […]

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Rioters In England Are Preparing To Wreak More Havoc, And They Are Now Posting The Locations Of Immigration Offices And Calling For People To Destroy Them

Rioters in England are getting ready to bring more havoc and have even posted the locations of immigration offices to get people to attack them, as we read in the Independent: Police are braced for more than 100 protests across the country tonight as far-right groups target immigration services, The Independent understands. Officers are also […]

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