Author Archive | Shoebat Foundation


Video: Former Al-Qaeda supporter, Terror suspect Endorses Ron Paul

“Yousef al Khattab” Cohen once supported Osama bin Laden and co-founded a website called Revolution Muslim. In a YouTube video, al Khattab endorses Ron Paul for president. This certainly doesn’t help Paul’s attempts to quash accusations that he’s anti-Jewish. Fast forward to the 20:30 mark. Khattab says, “I really, really, really, really do pray that […]

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Thank You, Arab Spring: Muslim Persecution of Christians now Rampant

We are now approximately one year in to the Arab Spring and all the movement really has to show for itself is a rise in the persecution of Christians. There is an excellent piece written by Raymond Ibrahim that appears in the Middle East Forum, in which the regions where apostasy, church burnings, and dhimmitude […]

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Red Flag: US and Al-Qaeda hold same view on Syria?

Throughout the Arab Spring, the Obama administration has come down on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood in nearly every single instance. In Egypt, the administration did to Mubarak what Jimmy Carter did to the Shah; in Libya, Obama assisted in the overthrow of Gadhafi; now, in Syria, the Obama administration is calling for Bashar […]

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The Hypocrisy of the Church

As we watch the overreach and soft tyranny of the Obama administration concerning the mandating by the Department of Health and Social Services forcing religious institutions to offer contraceptive services, which contravenes the doctrines of the Catholic church and possibly other religious denominations, yet these same leaders who tout the sanctity of life ignore the […]

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The Contraception Mandate is an Environmentalist Cause

By Ted Shoebat   It is not a coincidence that it is the Left who wish for contraception to be apart of universal medicare; it is they who embark on decreasing human population in order to rescue their precious mother earth. The advocacy for birth control is an advocacy for an environmental cause, which esteems […]

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Small Island Flashpoint in the Mediterranean?

Daniel Pipes has written an extremely interesting piece about a little island that sits about one mile off the southern coast of Turkey. Its name is Kastelorizo and though its proximity to Turkey is much closer than Greece, the latter country is the one that currently controls Kastelorizo. As Pipes points out, it’s not necessarily […]

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Why is Obama Cozying up with Turkish Islamists?

One of the countries that has benefited greatly from the Obama administration’s Middle Eastern policies is Turkey. The Muslim Brotherhood seeks a return to the Ottoman Empire, which was based in what is now modern day Turkey. The AK Party that is now running Turkey is interested in the same thing, though it still plays […]

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It’s time to ask why Turkey supports Intervening in Syria

Note that Russia is standing by Syria’s Assad and Turkey is denouncing him. Remember, Turkey supports the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood. When the Islamist government that controls Turkey supports the overthrow of a dictator, it’s time to question motives. I wrote about whether or not the West should support Assad’s removal. The main reason […]

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Homs Massacre: Should Assad Go?

More than 5,400 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising began in March. The number of dead in Homs alone is now over over 200 and climbing. The Assad regime says terrorists acting out a foreign conspiracy to destabilize the country are behind the uprising, not people seeking to transform the authoritarian regime. […]

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Guess who has a problem with New York Police keeping Shiite Mosques under Surveillance

You guessed it, the Muslim Brotherhood’s American allies, which include the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), have all united to confront New York’s Attorney General over NYPD’s plans to surveil some Shiite Mosques. Get this. […]

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Salafist: Victims of Soccer Riots in Egypt are not Martyrs because….

See if you can follow this logic. Sharia law forbids watching soccer, therefore if you die while watching soccer, you will not be eligible for martyrdom. Via AhramOline: Controversial Salafist sheikh Abdel Moneim El-Shahat denied that the victims of the Port Said tragedy were martyrs because they died while watching football which he said is […]

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Video: Egyptian Newscaster goes Berserk over Soccer Deaths

Among those of us who saw this all coming, yes, it does get frustrating. It gets frustrating when we see a western mainstream media retain credibility among the hardworking masses who only tune in occasionally, while assuming unbiased reporters are delivering the news, not shaping it. Perhaps the Kardashians should see their ratings tank; maybe […]

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Federal Judge who ruled Iran behind 9/11 Vindicated with more Evidence

On December 22nd, 2011 U.S. federal district judge George B. Daniels signed a 53 page document in Havlish v. Iran that found Iran to be behind 9/11. Ten days prior to Daniels’ ruling, the Obama administration welcomed a terrorist with loyalties to the Iranian Ayatollah into the Oval Office. We wrote about that HERE. Then […]

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Egyptian Comedian Arrested for telling Islamic Jokes

For those who cheered the ouster of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, perhaps it’s time for some context. Under the Mubarak regime, and before that, the Sadat regime, an Egyptian comedian named Adel Imam has spent his career making jokes about his country’s leaders. Now, he has been sentenced to jail time for insulting Islam. Via […]

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