Because Islam has been allowed to rise unchecked in the USA, it has become emboldened and is now attempting to show “strength” over non-Muslims. It always does this throughout history and in all societies without exception, and the pattern is the same. In Fresno, CA, a black Muslim man pulled out a handgun and began […]
Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad
Muslim Business Offers ‘Free African Slave’ In Newspaper As First Prize For A Contest
The rise of Islam throughout the world also come the return of Islam’s barbaric practices. Once nearly wiped out even in many Muslim lands, practices such as mass slavery are making a public comeback that has not been seen since ancient times. In a story out of Bahrain, police are prosecuting a “housemaid recruitment agency” […]
Demon Possessed Hindus Storm Church With Police Help And Attack Christians During Services
While Christians in Pakistan suffer daily attack and harassment from the Muslims, Christians in neighboring India suffer the same but at the hands of the Hindus. Enraged by the rise of Christianity especially among the lower classes, self-professed Hindu “nationalists” are going on demonic rampages throughout India, destroying churches and abusing, torturing, and murdering Christians […]
Muslims Capture Young Christian Man, Beat Him And Then Torture Him With Hot Metal Rods For Liking A Muslim Girl
Pakistan is one of the most difficult places on earth to be a Christian in because many Muslims there look for an opportunity to hurt Christians, even if they have to invent it. They use many excuses, from “blasphemy” to simply Christian men falling in love with Muslim women. In a story out of Pakistan, […]
Muslim Terrorists Rain Down Murder And Mayhem On Christians Celebrating Easter In Nigeria
Right now Nigeria is going through many changes as the light of the Gospel is dispelling the darkness of the Koran and Islam. However, this has also provoked the wrath of certain Muslims, who are determined to stop its spread. The celebration of Christ’s resurrection for Christians in Nigeria’s southern Kaduna province was interrupted when […]
Major National Socialist Website Now Openly Promotes “White Sharia”- We Warned You This Was Coming
We at have been constantly warning that an alliance between Muslims and National Socialists was coming. People called us crazy, but we have said and continue to say this because this is based on historical precident going back to the 15th century with the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottomans through the […]
Major Study Finds 90,000 Christians Were Martyred, 600 MILLON Were Prevented From Worshipping Christ Just In 2016 And The Numbers Are Going Up
In spite of the complaints of Muslims and others, the fact is that Christians are the most persecuted group worldwide. Millions of people from ancient times through today have been and are persecuted, tortured, and even killed each year because they refuse to deny Christ before others. According to a recent study, in 2016 there […]
Muslims Carrying Metal Bars Attack Good Friday Parade And Cause A Massive Stampede In Seville While Screaming “Allahu Akbar”
Muslims act out violently in proportion to the response they think people will have against their bad behavior. We have warned for years that the more Muslims there are in the West and the more license they are given, the more they will act out violently. Appeasing them does not help- it only encourages their bad […]
Iranian Muslim Leaves Islam For Christ, The Muslims Jail Her And Now Are Denying Her Medical Treatment
Maryam Zargaran was as Muslim who left Islam for Christ. When the government found out about her condition, they sentenced her to five years in jail. While in prison, due to the stress and conditions she began suffering from a heart condition, in response to which the Iranian government is denying her medical treatment: Iranian […]
Muslim Mob Attacks Christians Leaving Church, Beats Them With Rocks And Then Burns Their Homes Down
Christians in Egypt are suffering some of the worst attacks in their history. It has become so bad that Christianity may disappear from Egypt. In a recent story, a group of Christians was leaving Church when they were attacked by a gang of Muslims who beat them with rocks and then set fire to their homes: […]
Is China Preparing To Attack North Korea As Preemptive Move To Stop A Japanese Invasion Of Manchuria?
Most of the times, news and information is highly controlled, especially when it comes to news about military intelligence. However, sometimes just a little more information gets out than what was intended. Such seems to have been the recent case of an article on the English language website of China’s military. It was later pulled […]
Georgia Man Converts To Islam, Moves To Somali Muslim Enclave In Minneapolis And Sets Up Islamic Sharia Street Patrols- EUROPE IS NOW IN THE USA
We have warned for years that it was only a matter of time that the situation with Islam in Europe would come to the USA. Sharia courts, Sharia patrols, ‘native’ converts to Islam and the legislation of Islam into public society- all the things that are being permitted throughout Europe were also coming to the […]
‘Hundreds Of Christians Have Been Killed And Thousands More Kidnapped And Almost Nobody Is Helping Us’ Nigerian Catholic Bishop Speaks Out Again Muslims Attempts To Wipe Out The Christians
Nigeria is one of the most dangerous places on Earth to be a Christian as Muslim terrorists are waging an outright war against Christianity. In the state of Borno in northeastern Nigeria, hardly 2% of the population is Christian yet according to the local Catholic bishop, hundreds of Christians have been murdered and thousands more […]
Sweden Prosecutes Christian Midwife For Refusing To Murder Unborn Babies
Christian persecution often happens in Muslim nations, but thanks to the rise of anti-Christian paganism in Europe, Christians are no increasingly finding themselves being persecuted in their own societies in Europe. In a case out of Sweden, a Christian midwife just lost a years-long legal battle with several hospitals who pulled her contracts because she […]
Muslim Shopkeeper Has Christian Man Beaten With Sticks, Locked In His Home And Burned Alive Because He Could Not Pay His Bills
When people buy goods on credit, if they cannot make good on their promises to pay then usually somebody comes to repossess the goods. A similar situation happened in Pakistan with a Christian man who purchased electronics and could not pay his debt to a Muslim shopkeeper. However, instead of merely repossessing the goods, the […]
Liberal Or Conservative, It Does Not Matter Because Whether It Was Bush Or Obama, Hillary Or Trump, All Are Of The Same Essence
Ever since the campaign for election 2016 began, the “left” in America was viciously criticizing almost anything that now President Donald Trump did. Sometimes they would exaggerate his actions to give the impression that he was doing something absolutely horrible when in reality he was doing almost nothing at all, such as when Trump placed […]