Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad

Major Financial Analysts Declaring The Next 45 Days Are The ‘Most Critical’ In US History

According to Marketwatch, major financial analysts are declaring that the next 45 days will be the ‘most critical’ in US history due to the ongoing situation with the financial markets. “The next 45 days may just become the most critical period in U.S. financial history,” he wrote in a newsletter published Wednesday. “While on average […]

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US And Australia Bust International Pedophile Ring

The sexual exploitation of children has always been a problem and is often tied to very deep criminal networks because of the nature of the crime. According to a recent report from Marie Claire, police in the US and Australia have worked together to break up an international pedophile ring, arresting sixteen people and charging […]

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Major Newspaper Declares That Americans Should Fap To Stop COVID-19

Some have spoken about how the current state of America is that she lives in a “clown world” where reality does not matter. In accordance with the ridiculous nature of how things have become, the Chicago Tribune, a major newspaper, has declared that the best way that Americans can handle their basest impulses during the […]

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Is The Counter Jihad Movement Now Promoting Paganism As A Solution To Islam? began her life as a site exposing the evils of Islam because Islam is just that- objectively evil and the answer to Islam is found in the Gospels and in the Magesterium of the Church founded by Christ. The position of in this way has not changed, for just as Christ is the […]

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Major Investing Group Morgan Stanley Advises That Rushing Any Economic “Re-Opening” Is A Bad Idea

American businesses are notorious for being long-term foolish and solely focused on short-term profit in spite of talk to the contrary. Zero Hedge reports by way of Morgan Stanley that the investing giant is declaring that rushing any “re-opening” of the economy in hopes that COVID-19 has passed would be a major mistake. However disrupted […]

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Germany Begins To Re-Open Stores “Post-Virus”

According to Bloomberg and reported by MSN News, Germany is now planning to re-open stores in a “post-virus” world, declaring the effects of COVID-19 to be minimal. Philipp Frese can’t wait to unlock the doors of his bed and mattress store in southern Germany on Monday, ending a month-long coronavirus lockdown that’s all but destroyed […]

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US Begins Full-Scale Investigation Into Origins Of COVID-19

According to FOX News, the US Government has announced she is going to perform a full-scale investigations into the origins of COVID-19 and its connections to China. The U.S. is conducting a full-scale investigation into whether the novel coronavirus, which went on to morph into a global pandemic that has brought the global economy to […]

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Islamic Terrorists Launch Multiple Attacks In Nigeria

Islamic terrorists have launched a series of attacks in Nigeria, killing scores of people and wounding more according to a report. Fulani militants have continued killings in Nigeria over the last few days. There were at least three attacks in which people were killed. In the first attack on Sunday night, militants attacked a farmer […]

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Wave Of COVID-19 Infections Threaten To Collapse The Japanese Hospital System

As COVID-19 spreads around the world, it has been threatening the integrity of the medical systems in countries around the world. This has already been seen in the US, where hospital systems have been strained gravely and states are rushing to secure federal help and prepare for an influx of sick patients. In the nation […]

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Half Of People In Their Forties Showing Signs Of Old-Age Associated Frailty

A new study out of Australia has found that nearly half of people in their forties are showing signs of frailty traditionally associated with old age as the UK Daily Mail reports. Nearly half of people in their forties show as many symptoms that could lead to frailty as people in their seventies, a new […]

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Consumption Of Anti-Anxiety Medication Increases By 34%

Americans have a habit for taking pills when the have problems. One of the most common medications are those for psychological issues, such as anti-anxiety or anti-depression. In a trend showing the psychological effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus, Marketwatch reports that there has been a 34% increase in the consumption of anti-anxiety medication since the […]

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COVID-19 Spells The Death Of Many Local Newspapers

COVID-19 has killed many people, and it is being blamed for killing the economy (even though the economy was already dead and had been for years). Now the LA Times reports by way of Yahoo! News it is being blamed for killing newspapers, as many local newspapers, which run on tight budgets, are being forced […]

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COVID-19 Deaths In African Continent Now Number Over A Thousand

There is no place that COVID-19 has not reached. However, data can be at times difficult to acquire because of political or social issues. One of the most difficult places on Earth to track such is in the continent of Africa, where owing to the various problems that many African societies suffer from, getting a […]

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Even The Online Prostitution Marketplace Is Becoming Saturated

Market saturation, which is what happens when too much of a thing is offered, forces a notable drop in the price of the thing, no matter what it its. For example, Joe’s Ice Cream Cart may be able to sell 100 ice cream cones a day for a $5/per cone handsome profit. However, if there […]

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Anti-Christian Attacks Continue To Rise In India

Christians continue to be a severely persecuted minority in India that suffers daily. According to the International Christian Concern by way of the United Christian Forum, attacks on Christians in India have continued to rise for 2020. According to a recent release by the United Christian Forum (UCF) in India, attacks on Christians and their […]

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Art Becomes Life As Landlords Increasingly Ask Female Tenants For Payments In Relations

It is said that prostitution is the oldest business in history, and women have been trading sex for goods or services as long as it can be remembered. This phenomenon goes through periods of decrease and increase depending on the social situations of the particular place and time in history, but it tends to increase […]

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