Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad

Will Trump Quarantine Three States?

According to a report from CNBC, Trump may quarantine Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York. President Donald Trump said Saturday that he’s considering placing a short-term quarantine on New York, New Jersey and certain parts of Connecticut as the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread. “I’m thinking about that right now. We might not have to […]

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Deine Papieren, Bitte- UK Puts Up Online Form To Tattle On Neighbors

The 1984 film Top Secret popularized the phrase “Your papers please,” which in German translates as “Deine Papieren, bitte.” However, a recent story from ITV News in the UK reports that a police department has created a form where people can report their neighbors who are “violating” quarantine. Humberside Police has created an online reporting […]

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God Bless Thomas Massie, The Only Congressman Left With Principle

Republican Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky has become a source of hatred for the Republican party and President Trump, who verbally abused him and attacked him for being the only congressman in all of Congress to oppose the Coronavirus bailout bill. Even before the 49-year-old drew Trump’s ire on Twitter, he had been a thorn […]

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A Realistic Look At The Chicken Market

Chickens taste great, but would you be ready to care for a live chicken? reports that in light of the COVID-19 situation, Americans have been “stress buying” chickens in an effort to “prepare” that some companies have likened to the obsession with purchasing toilet paper. Apparently when times are tough, people want chickens. Chick […]

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Trump Signs The Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

This is it, as Business Insider reports that President Trump has signed off on the largest stimulus bill in history. President Donald Trump on Friday signed a $2 trillion economic stimulus package to mitigate the worst effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the US economy. It will inject a flood of cash into the economy […]

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The Coronavirus And Another 9/11

Last year, I wrote and article about a story that I called the “Mile High Massacre”, in which I said that a major event, specifically a terrorist attack or the equivalent, was very likely in the near future that would be used for the purpose of reviving nationalism and expediting the current situation towards a […]

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Mnuchin Moves To Nationalize Airlines Amid Socialist Bailout

For years, has been warning about the rise of national socialism around the world. National socialism is the combination of nationalism, often accompanied by the nationalization of industry, with socialism. Hence, the term is “national socialism”. When Ted, Walid, and I started talking about this as a primary focus, noting a change in the […]

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Former Fed Chairman Bernanke Tries To Re-Assure The Public In Spite Of A Pending “Sharp Recession”

Ben Bernanke was villified as the man who continued to “print money” in the years following the financial crisis of 2007, and rightly so because printing money only worsened the economic situation. The problems facing the US have nothing to do with a lack of money or the economy, but with toxic levels of debt […]

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Pharmacies In New Jersey Are Starting To Run Out Of Medicine

The effects of the shutdown from the COVID-19 crisis are starting to seriously impact the flow of goods and services. A serious concern will be for essential services or goods that people need. If a shutdown lasted long enough, people could die as a result of it. As doctors and nurses fight to have proper […]

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Not Surprisingly, The Debt Load Increases Again For Americans Because Of The Virus

I have written for years about the poisonous effects of debt on the economy and how it is destroying families and society, how it is directly related to the inflation of the monetary supply and the increase in enforced standardization ushered in post World War II for the purpose of consolidating power into the hands […]

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Pentagon Tells Troops To “Self-Quarantine” As She Halts Deployments Around The World

One of the sayings that I cannot stand to hear is the phrase “support our troops”, and it has nothing to do with “the troops” at all, but about the treatment of soldiers and veterans, for far from being “supported”, soldiers and veterans are most severely abused by the very system they pledged their lives […]

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Le Bon Temps Rouler: Jobless Claims Soar To A Record-Breaking 3.25 Million

“Le bon temps rouler” means “let the good times roll.” For years, this was the motto of those adoring the last eleven years of US economic “growth”, which was as real and genuine as were is for most women who go “overnight” from a size B to FFF cup bustier. However, just as plastic surgery […]

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While People Fret Over The Coronavirus, Ninety-Eight People Die Each Day At The Hands Of Cartels.

WARNING: VIOLENT VIDEO LINKS. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. It may not be 2016 any more, but the violence that has plagued Mexico for years continues without end. According to recent reports and published by El Blog Del Narco from the Mexican government, ninety-eight people each day are put to death at the hands of the cartels, […]

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The Beast Awakens: Turkey Sounds The Islamic Call To Prayer, Recites The Koran From The Hagia Sophia Church In “Acoustic Test”

The Ottoman beast, which terrorized the Christian world since 1291 (which was also the same year that the Crusader States fell), was put to death in 1923 and with it the Caliphate, established by Mohammed in 622 was abolished, ending fourteen centuries of history and making it the second-to-last institution from the world of antiquity […]

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The COVID-19 Coronavirus Hits The Illegal Drug Business Hard

The Covid-19 coronavirus is a pandemic, and a pandemic does not discriminate but harms everyone equally. This applies to both the health and the economy of a society. All are affected without regard to who one is, for just as it states in the Bible the rain ‘falls on the good and evil alike.’ Mexico […]

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Forget About Toilet Paper And Spaghetti At Wal-Mart, Whole Countries Are Starting To Hoard Food

News across the US has shown videos of people fighting over toilet paper, spaghetti, and other items in a frenzied panic to “prepare” for the spread of COVID-19, and went to local Wal-Marts and grocery stores to witness the chaos and see the Soviet-like shelves stripped of all items. It was an amazing thing […]

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