Author Archive | Shoebat

Muslims Annihilate 106 People In Brutal Massacre

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims butchered countless people, killing as many as 106. The Muslims entered villages in Nigeria’s northwestern Katsina State where they committed this major massacre. One local said: The gunmen who rode on motorcycles invaded many villages leaving more than 100 people dead … people were killed in my home town while numerous […]

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17 Year Old Girl Gets Savagely Raped By Muslim Father And Brother

By Theodore Shoebat A young 17 year old girl in Jordan was savagely and repeatedly raped by her Muslim father and brother. She was eventually impregnated and just recently gave birth. Both the father and the brother, if convicted, will face up to 20 years in prison. One official said: She said that her father […]

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Muslims Massacre Poor Farmer Families In Cold Blood (Absolutely Horrific)

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this absolutely disturbing video showing Muslims massacring poor farmer families in their barn, including children. This type of violence is happening to Christians every day, and it is incumbent of us to work hard to rescue them. PLEASE DONATE NOW TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA, IRAQ, AND PAKISTAN

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Crowd of 250 Violent And Rage Filled People Attack Pastor

By Theodore Shoebat A crowed consisting of 250 people attacked a pastor and his wife in Sri Lanka, beating them up and commanding others not to associate themselves with them. But the mob was not Muslim, it was Buddhist. This brings me back to what I have been writing on recently: Buddhism and Islam both […]

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Muslims Demand For Pedophilia To Be Legalized

EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The top religious authorities of Pakistan, called The Council of Islamic Ideology, have deemed the prohibition of child marriage, which is really pedophilia, as contrary to Islam. They attacked Pakistan’s Prohibition of Child Marriages Act as something that goes against Islam. Tahir Ashrafi, a member of the council, protested with these […]

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Muslims Behead Christian Man And Feed His Body To Dogs

EXCLUSIVE By The Persecuted Christian and Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Syria beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremist. This west is flat out wrong by siding with people they know are barbaric and whom they fight in […]

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Christians Must Become Militant If They Are To Survive

EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat If Christians are to survive, they are going to have to become militant, rather than relying on the watered down secular Conservative Movement. The Conservative Movement is becoming a cult. It has become a group that accepts only a number of morals from Christianity, while being either indifferent or sometimes vindictive […]

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Exclusive By Walid Shoebat How can I bring reconciliation between people who say they all love the Bible? My dream is to reconcile the People of the Good Book while keeping the spirit of discussion in ironing out their differences. My dream is to help my fellow Christian Arab to see that his enemy is […]

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Christians Pick Up Your Arms and Fight

By Walid Shoebat When I feared persecution, my friends would say, “Don’t worry, God will put a hedge of protection all around you” (Job 1:10). But is praying for a “hedge of protection” the only way to deal with persecution? Indeed, we should pray, always. But does that mean Christians should not fight militarily? That’s […]

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Muslims Ruthlessly Butcher 150 People And Injure 157

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq have ruthlessly butchered 150 people in Iraq in just this month alone, so far. Part of this number was a massacre that took place just this Sunday, in which a Muslim blew himself up at a checkpoint, killing 39 people, at the northern entrance to Hilla, the capital of […]

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Muslims Conduct Real Life Ritual Human Sacrifice On Video

EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Syria have conducted an actual real life human sacrifice, and have gotten it on film, as we can see from this video: In the video the speaker uses the term Qurbān (Arabic: قربان‎), which can only signify a sacrifice, which indicates that the filmed slaughter is […]

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Malaysia Airlines Plane Crash Could Be Due To Islamic Terrorism

EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat While a Malaysia Airlines airplane is still missing, the culprits have yet to be announced. The airplane went completely off the radar without any emergency call or mayday signal, and there was no sign of dangerous weather, which leads one to suspect terrorism. Another indication to this suspicion is the fact […]

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Muslims Murder Women For Not Wearing Hijab

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim jihadists have taken over city of Raqqa, in Syria, and are now subjugating the population to Sharia code. They have executed several women for not wearing the hijab, as one Syrian native said: There have been whippings of women because of this. Some women have even been executed. It’s become a […]

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Muslim Man Tries To Murder Prince Harry

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in England has been sentenced for three years at Isleworth Crown Court in west London for plotting to murder Prince Harry. His name is Ashraf Islam, 31, but his natural and initial name is Mark Townley, since he is actually a British man who converted to Islam. His motive […]

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The Arab Spring, But The Christians’ Winter

By The Persecuted Christian The joke of the “Arab Spring” has intrigued the thinkers & analysts of the topic since its sudden upsurge in 2011. One of the most neglected of these revolutionary democratic waves that destroyed countries, displaced millions and killed & persecuted hundreds of thousands of minorities are Christians here. When discussing the […]

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Muslims Execute Innocent Man In A Very Cruel Way

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Libya captured a French citizen who was working in Benghazi to upgrade a hospital. One official concluded: He was killed with three shots This poor French man was only trying to make a living, and these devils murdered in cold blood. This makes the murder a very cruel one indeed. […]

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