By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria attacked a college and mercilessly slaughtered dozens of students. They burned them alive, shot them dead, and when some tried to escape through the windows, they seized them and slit their throats. It has been estimated that 40 students were murdered in the attack on the Federal Government College […]
Author Archive | Shoebat

Muslims Capture 9 Year Old Christian Girl, And Brutally Rape Her For 19 Days
By Theodore Shoebat A nine year old Christian girl in Jordan was captured by Muslims who brutally raped her for 19 days. She was from Iraq and lived in Jordan as a refugee. After 19 days of sexual torture, she was rescued by Sister Hatune Dogan, an Eastern Orthodox nun, who payed 33,000 US dollars […]

Leaked Secret Emails Reveal Plan To Send $750 Million To Muslim Brotherhood
**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack IKHWANLEAKS Installment #2 Leaked secret emails published by Arabic sources reveal a $750 million deal between a major U.S. Company that provides crop preservation technology and the Muslim Brotherhood is raising a stink in Egypt when secret emails between Blumberg Grain and the top officials in the […]
Muslims Kidnap Several Christians, And Shoot Each One In The Head
By Theodore Shoebat The bodies of seven Christians were discovered on a Libyan beach near Benghazi, each one with bullets in their heads. One police officer said: They were killed by headshots in execution style …We don’t know who killed them. It is pretty obvious as to what happened: Muslims murdered them. This is going […]
US Marines Train Japan to Prepare For War With China
By Theodore Shoebat American Marines have recently trained Japanese soldiers to help prepare them against China. In Camp Pendleton, CA, right in the United States, Japanese soldiers of Japan’s Western Army Infantry Regiment practiced with US marines on how to retake and invade an island. It is an annual training session called Iron Fist. Although […]
Antisemitism On The Rise In Japan
Theodore Shoebat At least 265 copies of Anne Frank’s Diary, and other books on Anne Frank, have been found ripped apart and destroyed in 31 libraries across Tokyo, in Japan. The deplorable vandalism is no isolated incident, the amount of books damaged and the number of libraries in which it was done attests to this. […]
The Armies Of The Antichrist Are Near, And Russia Will Take The Victory (Part 1)
By Walid Shoebat (Exclusive) RUSSIA WILL DEFEAT TURKEY Today, the Brotherhood is parking in Turkey after being overthrown in Egypt and the Turks will aid the Islamist movement in Egypt to rise against the secularists. The next few years will show this struggle intensify until Turkey invades Egypt. This does not pass without repercussions. Few […]
The Armies Of The Antichrist Are Near, And Russia Will Take The Victory (Part 2)
By Walid Shoebat (Exclusive) FALLING IN THE SNARE OF ISLAM BY HATING RUSSIA The more history unfolds the more bizarre becomes the interpretations of the Prophecy mania crowd who say that an Islamic coalition would someday partner with Russia (Ezekiel 38) and such battle by this Russian-Islamic coalition would simply be a prelude to quickly be destroyed in […]
The Armies Of The Antichrist Are Near, And Russia Will Take The Victory (Part 3)
By Walid Shoebat (Exclusive) Christians should be rejoicing over what happened in Russia. Putin actually is calling for all world leaders to unite against the persecution of Christians in the Muslim world: This pressing problem [Christian persecution] should be a subject of close attention for the entire international community… It is especially important today to make […]
The Armies Of The Antichrist Are Near, And Russia Will Take The Victory (Part 4)
By Walid Shoebat (Exclusive) THE HUNT FOR GOG The error in equating Magog with Russia can be easily discovered once we read the claims: they always stretch historyto encompass the desired geographic location. This is found in every anti-Russia prophecy material that espouses to use history. To show the errors requires a book on its own, but perhaps one example will suffice; […]
The Armies Of The Antichrist Are Near, And Russia Will Take The Victory (Part 5)
By Walid Shoebat (Exclusive) Should Russia import evangelical pastors like New York’s pastor Timothy Keller who says “being gay doesn’t send you to hell”? Does Russia’s Orthodox Christianity have a Rob Bell, kissing up to the sodomites, calls sodomites “passionate disciples of Jesus just like I’m trying to be. So lets all get together and try to do […]
The Armies Of The Antichrist Are Near, And Russia Will Take The Victory (Part 6)
By Walid Shoebat (Exclusive) There are so many additional reasons why we can never separate the battle of Gog and Magog from Armageddon, therefore it can never be a prelude to Armageddon, but is Armageddon: 1—When Israel is completely purified (Ezekiel 38:23-39:7-8) is only when Messiah is on earth and the Gentile nations aswell will be convicted of their unbelief and will know that He (Jehovah) is God […]
Anders Breivik Says He’s Against Islam In Order To Get Media To Attack Walid Shoebat
Finally, the truth is revealed behind the intentions of Anders Breivik, the killer who slaughtered over 70 people in Norway. He initially said that he was influenced by Walid Shoebat and other counterjihadists, but now has confessed that he purposely referenced to the material of the counterjihadists in order to pit the media against Walid […]
Muslims Kill 115 People, Burn 1500 Buildings And Destroy 400 Vehicles
By Theodore Shoebat In just one attack on Wednesday, Muslims in Nigeria have slaughtered 115 people, put 1500 buildings to flames, and destroyed 400 vehicles, according to Al Jazeera . The Muslim jihadists who organized the slaughter, Abubakar Shekau, released a video message in which he said: The reason I will kill you is that […]
China Is Preparing For A War Against Japan
By Theodore Shoebat China is currently preparing for a “short, sharp war” with Japan, with the purpose of resolving the dispute over who controls the Senkaku islands on the East China Sea. Captain James Fannell of the US Naval Institute in San Diego, California, said: We concluded that the [People’s Liberation Army] has been given […]
Syrian Christian Family Slaughtered, But Not By Muslims
By the Syrian Christian A Syrian Christian family in Egypt was brutally slaughtered in Alexandria, Egypt. Several blogs, such as Raymond Ibrahim, posted the story from Arabic sources, that alluded that they were murdered for their political views. We instantly pulled out our story after discovering that this had nothing to do with Christian persecution. […]