Author Archive | Shoebat

Syrian Cleric: Christians Now Obligated To Pay Jizya Tax

From AINA: I commend the two Subcommittees for holding this critically important and timely hearing today. The question of the treatment of religious minorities concerns America’s core values as a nation, but, in recent foreign policy, it is one that the United States has too often failed to address, with tragic results. It represents a […]

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“Arab Spring” Detrimental To Christians

From Bishara A. Bahbah of AZ Central: The Arab Spring, celebrated by the world with the hope that autocratic dictators will make way for new democratic and popularly elected leaders, is a disaster in the making. Two and a half years ago, police confiscated the cart of a Tunisian vegetable seller, and he responded by […]

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Staying in the Face of Persecution: The Martyrdom of a Syrian Monk

From Matthew Block of First Things: A few Fridays back, President Munib A. Younan of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) spoke to the LWF’s Council in Geneva about rising persecution of Christians in the Middle East, urging Christians there to remain as a witness to others. “We are seeing a global rise in extremism,” he […]

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The Murder Of Father Franҫois Mourad

From The Religious Freedom Coalition: Jerusalem (AsiaNews) – “Fr. Franҫois Mourad’s killing of is a sad occurrence and a blow to all the friars of the Custody of the Holy Land,” said Fr Pizzaballa, Custos of the Holy Land, as he spoke with AsiaNews about the Syrian clergyman who died on Sunday in al-Ghassaniyah, a […]

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Christians Will Be Massacred If Assad Goes

From Catholic Online : Christians preceded Muslims in calling Syria their home. They must not be forced to leave this ancient and holy land. We are living in a new missionary age. Whether in the West, where the memory of Christian influence fades under increasing persecution inflicted by rabid secularism and godless materialism and nihilism, […]

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Christians Persecuted In Iraqi Despite New Constitution

From Christian Post: “Iraqi Christians have suffered much injustice and marginalization. Even their rights are being ignored in the new constitution,” Eklimis told Mideast Christian News. “We aim to get our rights by initiating article 125 of the constitution, which is based on self-management of Christian areas,” Eklimis explained. Eklimis stated that his list seeks […]

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More Than One Million Christians Have Left Iraq Since 2003

From Reinhard Backes: In the 1st century AD the Christian faith was brought to Assyria and Mesopotamia, probably by the apostles Thomas and Jude. On what is now the territory of Iraq Christians represented the majority of the population for centuries. Only after the conquests by Arab-Islamic military commanders from the mid-7th century on did […]

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“After he refused to renounce his faith … They slit his throat with sharp objects”

From BosNewsLife: ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)– Nigerian Islamic militants have threatened a massive bloodbath after killing at least two Christians in recent days, forcing thousands of people to flee their villages along Nigeria’s northeast, refugees said Saturday June 22. The reported threats came as local believers were mourning Christian Toma Vongjen, 40, who was reportedly killed […]

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Syrian Christians Take Up Arms And Fight Back

From The Telegraph: The Christian community has tried to avoid taking sides in the civil war. In Aleppo, it recruited vigilantes from the Boy Scout movement to protect churches, but as the war moved into the city and spread across its suburbs they have begun to accept weapons from the Syrian army and joined forces […]

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Vatican as the Harlot of Babylon: Debunked

By Theodore Shoebat Is the Vatican the Hatlot of Babylon? Where did this idea originate from? Most will be shocked to find that some of the greatest enemies of Christianity were the ones who developed or supported this idea: Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism; Muhammad, founder of Islam; John Huss, founder of the Hussites; and […]

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Iraqi MP: Syria collapse would endanger all Mideast Christians

From Christian Today: The collapse of the Syrian state would be a jihadist triumph and a threat to Christians throughout the Middle East, says Yonadam Kanna, a member of Iraqi National Assembly and Secretary General for the Assyrian Democratic Movement. In his parliamentary ca Q: What do you think about future of Christians in Middle […]

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Christian Murdered In Somalia

From Christian Today: Islamic extremists from the rebel Al Shabaab in Somalia earlier this month publicly shot a young man to death after identifying him as a Christian, sources said. The insurgents in Jamaame district in southern Somalia had been monitoring 28-year-old Hassan Hurshe since his arrival from a Kenya in 2010 and determined that […]

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Harsh Policy Towards Christians Remains Unchanged In Iran

From Christian Today: At the same time, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which represents Abedini’s wife and two children in the U.S., offered The Christian Post a perspective on Iranian president-elect Hassan Rouhani, explaining that his election victory last week is unlikely to change much for the U.S. pastor and other persecuted […]

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Christian Beheaded In India For Refusing To Reject Faith

From Free Canada Press It is reported that a Christian man was beheaded in Teliamura town, West Tripura, India, on May 25th for refusing to renounce Christ. According to reports, Tapas Bin, 35, had been under heavy pressure from his father-in-law to abandon Christianity. According to police, Tapas married Jentuly, the daughter of 55-year-old Gobinda […]

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PAKISTAN: Christian Teenager Dies in Police Custody

From Free Canada Press: Thousands of Christians in Punjab had recently taken to the streets in protest at the alleged torture and murder of a teenager who was held in police custody. Eighteen-year-old Adnan Masih died at Sharaqpur Sharif city police station in the district of Sheikhupura on June 10th, after being detained for six […]

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Coptic Christian: “They cut my brother-in-law’s face with a knife.”

From NBC: CAIRO – Thousands of Egypt’s Coptic Christians are fleeing to Europe, the United States and elsewhere rather than face mounting discrimination at home. Copts, Egypt’s ancient Christian community, are the country’s largest minority, making up nearly 10 percent of its 85 million people. But clashes between Christians and Muslims have become more frequent […]

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