From Canada Free Press: A 16-year-old Christian convert from Islam by the name of Aman Ullah was kidnapped by the Taliban on May 25th in Peshawar, the heart of Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province. “We don’t know which of the 32 different Taliban groups operating both in Afghanistan and Pakistan is responsible,” says John Taimoor, founder […]
Author Archive | Shoebat
Pastor: Muslims Set Fire To My Church Building
From Worthy News: ZANZIBAR CITY, ZANZIBAR (Worthy News)– Tanzania, whose population is almost entirely Muslim, has seen a sharp rise in the persecution of Christians, especially on Zanzibar, a small island off Tanzania’s east coast where Pastor Dickson’s church was attacked on May 26. “Radical Muslims, who are growing in number in Tanzania, set fire […]
Obama Hates The First Amendment
Theodore Shoebat on Obama’s movement to control the internet. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get my latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Muslims Well Funded And Strategic In Persecuting Christians
From International Christian Concern 6/4/2013 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – Tanzania has seen a dramatic escalation in Christian persecution over the past seven months. Much of the violence has originated from the small island of Zanzibar, located off of Tanzania’s east coast. With a population that is almost 99 percent Muslim, Christians are a […]
Pastor Thrown Into Prison In Kazakhstan
I implore everyone to contact the Kazakhstan embassy and pressure them to release this pastor from prison. The embassy contact page can be found here: From Worthy News STANA, KAZAKHSTAN (Worthy News)– A pastor in Kazakhstan was arrested last month for allegedly serving hallucinogens to his congregation while wielding a powerful psychological influence over […]
Systematic Persecution Being Done In Syria
From WND: …Syrian Christian refugees told Janssen they had been attacked by the rebels fighting in Syria, where Christians had been allowed to worship and live under Assad’s regime. The report comes after Republican Sen. John McCain’s recent trip to Syria, where he was photographed with two men who, according to Beirut news reports, were […]
Satanic Music Has Invaded The Church
Theodore Shoebat on how satanic music is invading the church. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Jesus Christ Is A Warrior
Theodore Shoebat talks about the militancy of Christ Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Liberalism Is Pure Evil
Theodore Shoebat on multiculturalism and tolerance. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
The Dangers of Chrislam
Theodore Shoebat talking on the Bill Martinez Show about Chrislam: Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get my latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Christianity Is Militant
Christus Vincit! Follow me on Facebook Twitter
Iran’s Christians facing ‘systematic persecution’
From BR Now: TEHRAN – Iran’s treatment of its Christian minority has come under fresh scrutiny in recent months with some harsh reports on the country’s human rights record. Reports from the United Kingdom’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) and New York-based International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI) cite evidence of “systematic persecution […]
Extermination of Christians And Shiites On The Horizon In Syria
Alex Newman writes (from AINA) A spokesman for the primary rebel alliance in Syria, known as the “Free Syrian Army,” threatened that opposition forces could start implementing a broad ethnic-cleansing program aimed at Shia Muslims and especially the Islamic Alawite sect to which dictator Bashar al-Assad belongs. As Obama administration-led Western powers and a coalition […]
Obama Supporting People Who Kill Christians?
Here’s my Take: Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get my latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Iranian Authorities To Christians: Anyone who tries to enter the church will be arrested
This is only foreshadowing the holocaust to come. From Christian Today: The Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was closed on Thursday due to pressure from Iranian security authorities. According to a story by Mohabat Iranian Christian News Agency, a well placed source said that a sign is posted on the main entrance of […]
1000 Christians Have Been Killed In Syria Since 2011
Fiorello Provera writes (From AINA): The recent abductions of Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim and his Greek Orthodox counterpart, Paul Yazigi, reflect not only the increasing brutality of Syria’s civil war, but also the escalating crisis for Christians across the Arab world — one that could end up driving them away altogether. According to the […]