Sir Winston Churchill was not the only British Prime Minister who despised Islam. Four time British Prime Minister William Gladstone (last term ended in 1894) was not a fan either. Via Jihad Watch: William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) was Prime Minister of Great Britain four times: 1868–74, 1880–85, 1886 and 1892–94. He called the Qur’an an […]
Women in Tahrir Square protesting Sexual Harassment are Molested and Groped
If you’d like to learn more about the real ‘War on Women,’ perhaps you should go to Tahrir Square (unless your a woman who doesn’t like to be raped, groped, molested, and/or otherwise sexually harassed). The latest example comes with a heavy dose of sick irony. Women went there to protest sexual harassment and were […]
Report: Egyptian MP caught with woman on side of the Road
According to the AFP, a Member of Egyptian Parliament was allegedly caught committing an indecent act with a female passenger in his car, on the side of the road. The MP in question belongs to the Salafist Al-Nour Party. Via Big Peace: Egyptian prosecutors asked parliament on Saturday for permission to investigate an Islamist MP […]
Bill Press channels Meathead when ripping National Anthem
Proof the left hates America and proof that Bill Press channeled Michael “Meathead” Stivic (played by liberal whack job Rob Reiner) on his talk show. First up, earlier this week, liberal socialist, marxist, commie pinko, whacko Bill Press ripped this country’s national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner. His argument? It’s “un-singable,” it’s “an abomination,” and […]
NBC Reporter crosses Rubicon of Denial; says Saudi Women treated better than American Women
While talking about the equal rights of women in America, NBC Reporter Nancy Snyderman actually praised the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia over the treatment of women in the United States, relative to equal pay for equal work. Snyderman made no mention of how much female cab / bus drivers in Saudi Arabia are […]
John McCain’s ‘Heroes’ flying Al-Qaeda flags all over Libya
John McCain must be proud of what’s going on in Libya right now because this is what Democracy looks like there. Parades with Al-Qaeda flags flying from almost every vehicle. What do they want? Well, they want Sharia law to govern Libya, which would actually replace Democratic rule. After all, when Democracy births a brutal […]
Is Fort Hood Shooter holding his Captors Hostage?
Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan just won a small Jihadist victory; he was successful in delaying pre-trial motions by not shaving off his beard prior to appearing before the judge. Via MSNBC: The judge in the trial of Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan delayed pre-trial motions Friday when he ruled the defendant to be […]
Video Tutorial: Young Muslim Female demonstrates how to eat while wearing a Burka
Ladies, don’t try this at home until you are sufficiently trained. Even after mastering the technique, it can still be “messy.” h/t BNI
State Department scrubs Report on Religious Freedom in Middle East
Let’s see, why would the State Department want to scrub the portion of the Human Rights report that focuses on Religious freedom in the Middle East in 2011? Perhaps, as many of us predicted, that ‘Arab Spring’ thing wasn’t such a good idea after all. Via CNS News: The U.S. State Department removed the sections […]
Video: Muslim Scholar explains why Stealth Political Jihad is the best course for Muslims
It is important to understand that in Islam, all lands are Muslim lands. It’s just that some of these lands are currently controlled by Infidels. This is how Islam’s practitioners see the world. For you leftists in the West who like to run interference for Islamists, that means your country. This Muslim scholar named Haitham […]
Mob Logic in Egypt: Angry at Mubarak’s sentence? Sexually Assault innocent women
Last year, after Mubarak fell, Egyptians celebrated in Tahrir Square. A mob of approximately 200 nearly killed CBS Reporter Lara Logan during a sustained and violent sexual assault; her assailants apparently justified their actions by mentally transforming her into a Jew. It appears that such attacks are now on the rise in Egypt. The reason? […]
Leader of Muslim “Civil Rights” group (CAIR) sounding a bit Racist
One thing CAIR deserves credit for doing is successfully portraying itself as a minority rights group that fights for the rights of the Muslim minority in America. Any criticism of Islam is effectively translated into a racist attack birthed by Islamophobia that the liberal media (like CNN) is always quick to echo and amplify. Using […]
Video: Wafa Sultan exposes Religious Bigotry of Omar Bakri Muhammad
The left loves to point to the Christian right as a group of intolerant bigots who want to impose their beliefs on others. In reality, though Christians are commanded to hold very strict beliefs while ministering to others, they are absolutely not commanded to impose those beliefs on others or subjugate those who fail to […]
Man Beheads wife in front of Children in the name of…
…You guessed it. Allah. Via Daily Mail: A man is under arrest in Germany after killing his wife in front of his six young children and cutting her into pieces. Orhan Sircasi then ran on to the roof of his apartment building clutching her severed head in one hand and a butcher’s knife in the […]
A Challenge to Every Muslim
By Walid Shoebat Yesterday, I received this question and comment from sociologist-historian and scholar Mr. Alvin Schmidt, whom I greatly respect: I have for some time said that Sean Hannity seems to be an ignorant supporter of the politically correct ideology when he keeps talking about “Radical Islam.” He either has never read the Koran […]
Report: Turkish Language classes in Tunisia’s Public Schools
This is a much more significant development than what it might appear to be at first blush. That’s because it’s just another checkmark along the way to the rise of the Ottoman Empire. Regular readers to this blog know that Walid has been warning people about the rise of Turkey for well over a decade. […]