
The Arab Hitler in The Knesset If the “Kach” or “Kahane Chai” parties are considered by the state of Israel to be “far right,” “terrorist,” “a danger to the state,” and are barred from the Knesset, then why is the extremist Ibrahim Sarsur of the “Ra’am-Ta’al” party allowed to keep his seat? Ibrahim Sarsur is an Israeli Arab politician and […]

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Honoring The Israeli Defense Forces Week: The Hero of The Yom Kippur War at The Golan Avigdor Kahalani was a battalion commander during the Yom Kippur War. He and 7 of his remaining tanks of the 77th Brigade stopped the Syrian advance on the Golan Heights in 1973. We solute Avigdor Khalani who is now a retired General and his brave tank commanders for their courage and tenacity in saving […]

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Honoring The Israeli Defense Forces Week: The Yom Kippur War Ariel Sharon snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. The Yom Kippur War was a great shock to the people of Israel. Yes, A great victory was achieved by General Sharon’s brilliant and courageous crossing of the Suez Canal, we honor him and his soldiers for their sacrifice. Included with General Sharon we honor […]

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Honoring The Israeli Defense Forces Week: Six Day War Memorial Song: Jerusalem of Gold; commemorates G-d’s victory over the forces of Satan. ALSO: Watch Documentary of the “44th Anniversary of The 6 Day War” Full BBC documentary on Six Day War which is a good reflection of what happened, however there are a few inaccuracies. First, not one Arab Home was demolished during the […]

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PA Leaders Honor Their Terrorists We are told by the left that terrorists blow themselves up because of their abject poverty and desperation. Here is a dinner with everybody dressed in nice suits and attire at a party honoring families of terrorists. Most of the terrorists who are being honored carried out their crimes after the Oslo peace accord […]

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Sifting Through The Media Propaganda, We Find… Cucumbers As the liberal news media only shows the conflict and the plight of the “Palestinians,” we see here how Israel co-operates with the Palestinian Arabs economically. This is just one example of many wherein Jews take the ethical high ground and forgive their enemies.

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Norwegian Rapes: 100% By Men of “Non Western Background” (IE, PC for Muslim) In last 5 years in Norway 100% of rape cases are carried out by Muslims or men of “Non Western Background.” The Western Media cannot bring themselves to even utter the word “Islam” in their reports. If it were Jews doing such things it would be on the tip of their tongues. At least […]

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Israel’s Indefensible ’67 Borders This short video explains why President Obama’s speech promoting a return to the 1967 borders is a non-starter. Any person who understands the geography, economics, and history of the region knows full well that a two-state solution is the fantasy of a liberal mind. Since the left does not believe in common sense, G-d […]

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By Peace They Will Deceive The World

While the lovers and supporters of Israel both on the right and the left celebrate the diplomatic victory of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu over President Barack Obama, the prospects for Israel in regards to its security and standing in the world is very daunting with many threats that are obvious still remain evident, however there […]

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Hamas Will Recognize Israel On May 19th Walid did radio interview with Simon Conway drive time talk show host with WHO in Des Moines Iowa. Listen above to the entire interview. In this interview Walid predicts that Hamas will recognize Israel because Turkey will arrange and pressure Hamas to do so. This will be a ruse by both […]

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