The Dutch military is merged with Germany:
The Third Biggest Killer Is Your Hospital
Third leading cause of death in America is medical malpractice:
Madeleine Albright And When The Victim Becomes The Victimizer
In this video I talk about Madeleine Albright’s policy towards Serbia and the strange phenomena of the victim becoming the abuser:
Christians In Africa Cry Out: ‘Islamists Are Butchering Us Like Animals”
Christians in Nigeria have been crying out for years that Islamic terrorists have been butchering them like animals. As we read in the Modern Tokyo Times: In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Nigeria, Christians are being killed by Islamic terrorist groups in high numbers. The crisis in Nigeria is more complex. Accordingly, anti-Christian […]
Islamic Terrorists Butcher Forty-Four Christians
Islamic terrorists in Burkina Faso butchered forty-four Christians, as we read in International Christian Concern: Islamic extremists recently launched multiple attacks in northern Burkina Faso. The militants targeted Kourakou and Tondobi villages and left at least 44 people dead on April 6-7. Burkina Faso has struggled with a rise in jihadism over the last several […]
Anheuser-Busch Sales Drop By 30% As Americans Refuse To Buy Beer That Preaches The Trans Cult
Anheuser-Busch’s sales have dropped by 30% as Americans are refusing to purchase beer that promotes the trans cult. As we read in Fox News: Consumers nationwide revolted against the nation’s top-selling beer brand after it stepped “recklessly” into the culture wars last week with its new spokesperson, transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney, according to bar […]
We Love The Murderer And Ignore His Victims
The criminal justice system has for too long given too much leeway to murderers while ignoring their victims:
Israel’s Political Instability Teaches Us The Importance Of Birth Rates
Israel’s political division teaches us the importance of having kids since its the Orthodox, and not the secularists, who are winning the population battle:
The Tennessee Shooting And Gun Control
My thoughts on the Tennessee shooting and gun control (click on “Watch on Youtube” because its been age restricted):
Poland Has A Ukrainian Nationalist Problem
Polish official Lesek Miller has been disappointed with Zelensky because he did not bring up the Wolyn massacre at all during his diplomatic trip in Warsaw. Zelensky, during his press conference in Poland, was wearing a sweater with the symbol of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, the organization that butchered Poles in the 1940s:
Normalization Between Syria And Turkey Is On Shaky Ground
My thoughts on the normalization attempt occurring right now between Syria and Turkey:
The Potential For Civil War In Israel
In this video I talk about the prospect for civil war in Israel: They say, “Israel belongs to us!” Well, they can have it. They call Jerusalem the holy city, but St. John calls it Sodom and Egypt (Revelation 11), the land where Christ was murdered. They call it the holy land, but God tells […]
The Government Of Latvia Just Brought Back The Draft
The government of Latvia just instated the drafted for its military, as we read in Kresy: The Latvian Seimas voted on Wednesday to introduce the so-called “state defense service”, i.e. to reintroduce conscription to compulsory military service. 68 deputies of the Latvian parliament voted for the reintroduction of universal military conscription. 11 were against, public […]
The Trump Movement Is Unstoppable: The Indictment Is The Greatest Piece Of Propaganda For Trump
The Trump indictment is excellent propaganda fodder that helps Trump:
The Greatest Lesson Of History Is That People Don’t Learn From History
A lot of people read from history, but not very many people really apply what they read to the current world. Academics love talking about history for history’s sake, and here lies the problem. History without real world application is just a hobby. We read about the Wolyn massacre in which Ukrainian nationalists butchered tens […]
The Catholic Gateway Into Paganism
Saint Paul wrote of how people in ancient times people knew God, yet they glorified him not as God and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for […]