There’s irony and then there’s hypocrisy that will make you choke so bad that you’ll need someone to perform the heimlich maneuver on you. This clip from Rep. Keith Ellison may just block your air pathway. He actually accuses white people of being racist for calling Obama the “food stamp president.” Someone should bring Mr. […]
Archive | General
This category includes articles and announcements.
New Jersey Sheriff hires openly Anti-Sharia man to train Deputies
Stories like these are always welcome sights because they’re so few and far between in today’s world. A New Jersey county sheriff has decided to hire none other than former FBI agent and outspoken critic of Islam and Sharia Law, John Guandolo to train his deputies. Via the Tennessean, h/t to Bare Naked Islam: A […]
Brotherhood Leader Qaradawi openly rallying support for Syrian opposition
Well, that didn’t take long. I no sooner finished posting my previous entry when I saw that Muslim Brotherhood cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi is in Qatar with other Brotherhood clerics in an attempt to rally support for the Syrian opposition. Critical thinking DEMANDS this be questioned and not dismissed. Via the Khaleej Times / AFP: The […]
Iran Stepping up its support of Bashar al-Assad
There is an important premise that must be understood when it comes to Syria. That country has become a front in a battle between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood more than it’s about a dictator putting down a revolt. Notice that the Sunni world, to include the same Muslim Brotherhood that has been benefiting the […]
Report: Al-Qaeda and Iran working together to hit the U.S.
In what should have been bombshell news late last year, a federal U.S. district court judge named George Daniels ruled after eight years that Iran, Hezbollah, and al-Qaeda all worked together to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks. That news fell on relatively deaf ears in western media circles. Now, Sky News is reporting that Ayman al-Zawahiri […]
Video: When too many Federal Agencies go after Islamic Terrorists
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering why the West has so much trouble identifying its enemies, this short clip could provide one possible explanation: h/t Sipsey Street
Radical Islamic group in Pakistan planning march on Jerusalem
To demonstrate just how twisted the radical Islamic mindset has become, look no further than the recent Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Conference. Attendees collectively concluded that the mosques in Medina and Jerusalem are under great threat from the Jews. Forget for a second that the Islamic holy site in Jerusalem – the Dome of the Rock – […]
Huh? John McCain hints that Muslim Brotherhood not that powerful in Egypt
In October of 2008, then presidential candidate Senator John McCain told an audience at a town hall that they have, “no reason to be scared” of an Obama presidency. Then, in 2009, he told another town hall audience that he believed Obama “respects the Constitution of the United States.” Two years later, in April of […]
Ask not what Egypt can do for you; ask what Egypt will Blackmail you to do for them!
Seriously, what more evidence does one need? The Obama administration helped to facilitate the fall of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. It was all about Democracy! Freedom! If that were true, the Muslim Brotherhood, which filled the vacuum, should be thanking America, asking us how we can be re-paid, right? Uh, not so much. One day […]
Egyptian Presidential candidate running on Hopelessness and Chains
Typically, if a presidential candidate for any country wanted to take away liberty once elected, being honest about it before an election is usually a recipe for defeat. Look no further than the 2008 presidential campaign. However, there is a candidate in Egypt who has decided to just come out and say Muslim women will […]
Video: Former Al-Qaeda supporter, Terror suspect Endorses Ron Paul
“Yousef al Khattab” Cohen once supported Osama bin Laden and co-founded a website called Revolution Muslim. In a YouTube video, al Khattab endorses Ron Paul for president. This certainly doesn’t help Paul’s attempts to quash accusations that he’s anti-Jewish. Fast forward to the 20:30 mark. Khattab says, “I really, really, really, really do pray that […]
Thank You, Arab Spring: Muslim Persecution of Christians now Rampant
We are now approximately one year in to the Arab Spring and all the movement really has to show for itself is a rise in the persecution of Christians. There is an excellent piece written by Raymond Ibrahim that appears in the Middle East Forum, in which the regions where apostasy, church burnings, and dhimmitude […]
Red Flag: US and Al-Qaeda hold same view on Syria?
Throughout the Arab Spring, the Obama administration has come down on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood in nearly every single instance. In Egypt, the administration did to Mubarak what Jimmy Carter did to the Shah; in Libya, Obama assisted in the overthrow of Gadhafi; now, in Syria, the Obama administration is calling for Bashar […]
The Hypocrisy of the Church
As we watch the overreach and soft tyranny of the Obama administration concerning the mandating by the Department of Health and Social Services forcing religious institutions to offer contraceptive services, which contravenes the doctrines of the Catholic church and possibly other religious denominations, yet these same leaders who tout the sanctity of life ignore the […]
The Contraception Mandate is an Environmentalist Cause
By Ted Shoebat It is not a coincidence that it is the Left who wish for contraception to be apart of universal medicare; it is they who embark on decreasing human population in order to rescue their precious mother earth. The advocacy for birth control is an advocacy for an environmental cause, which esteems […]
Video: Author Douglas Murray Rails against those who Refuse to deal with Iran
British conservative author Douglas Murray recently gave a speech in front of both colleagues and opponents about why the threat of Iran is real and must be dealt with. It’s a good one from start to finish: