Archive | General

This category includes articles and announcements.


To Burn or Not To Burn that is the question

In the age of new media and high-powered communications, the small story of a tiny Church protesting with the symbolic burning of Korans sparked off an international crisis. The president, the secretary of State, the top general in our military, secretary of defense, every left and right wing media outlet world wide weighed in with […]

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Walid to speak in South Carolina and Florida This week‏

Friends Walid will be speaking at First Baptist Church Clinton SC at 6.30 pm Wednesday September 8th. He will also be speaking On Friday Sept 10 at 7 pm at First Assembly of God 801 Masterson St in Melbourne, FL 32925 On Saturday afternoon 2.30pm Walid will be speaking in Ponte Verdre near Jacksonville at […]

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Walid Shoebat published artictle in The World Net Daily (WND)

Friends Walid Shoebat published yesterday in World Net Daily an open letter to the 911 Mosque Imam Rauf. Walid had a full hour on Michael Medved yesterday with a great interview we hope to post it shortly and will advise when up on web site. If you are a Michael Medved insider you can […]

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Rev Barry Lynn Tries to Smear Walid‏

Friends Yesterday Rev Barry Lynn who debated Walid on the O’Reilly factor over Imam Rauf the 911 Mosque Imam resorted to smearing Walid Shoebat, attacking his credentials, citing left wing loon bloggers as his sources. Rev. Lynn who professes to be a Christian minister of the cloth should at least show some respect concerning such […]

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Walid Continues Momentum on Talk Show Media‏

Friends Walid each day does several interviews in different local radio markets throughout the country. Tomorrow 9/2 Walid will be featured at 8.40 am EST on the Bill Bennett Show nationally syndicated. On 9/3 at 3.05 pm EST on The Michael Medved Show also large nationally syndicated show. On 9/13 Walid will also be on […]

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Walid on O’Reilly factor with Laura Ingraham Tonight‏

Friends Walid will be discussing Imam Rauf and his duplicity in the Arab language. We hope to post both the Radio interview with Laura today and the Factor interview tonight for those that cannot watch. The show will air at 8 pm EST and again at 11 pm EST tonight. Hopefully this Imam as a […]

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Click Here To View Original Letter CONTACT: Todd Baumann of Special Guests at 512-966-0983   THE 9/11 MOSQUE AND OBAMA’S SPEECH CONTROVERSY   By Walid Shoebat (Also available for media interviews) ANSWERING QUESTIONS The controversy continues over Obama’s historic Cairo speech and Feisal Abdul Rauf’s link to it. Many are asking, where is the evidence? […]

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Click Here To View Original Letter OPEN LETTER FROM FORMER MUSLIM TERRORIST TO 9/11 GROUND ZERO MOSQUE IMAM   Dear Feisal Abdul Rauf,   The bottom line is that America wants to know if you are a Jihadist or a moderate Muslim?   America is a nation that believes everyone deserves a chance, including you […]

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First Interview For Walid with Laura Ingraham tomorrow‏

Friends Walid will do his first interview with Laura Ingraham on her nationally syndicated radio show concerning the 911 Mosque at 10.15 am Eastern Time tomorrow Aug 27. If Laura Ingraham Show is not in your market you can listen on line live Laura Ingraham is ranked 6th most listened to Talk Show in […]

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9/11 MOSQUE IMAM BOASTS: ‘Obama’s historic speech in Egypt came from me’

PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THIS FILE IF YOU CAN NOT VIEW IT ON THIS BLOG CONTACT: Amy Reis or Lynne Campbell of Special Guests at: 630-848-0750 9/11 MOSQUE IMAM BOASTS: ‘Obama’s historic speech in Egypt came from me’ In previous reports researched by the Walid Shoebat Foundation, it was revealed that Imam […]

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“Salt in the Wound” Stop the Mosque and Walid is Going Back to NC‏

Friends Here is a great music video showing the digust by great American country singing patriots, willing to stand up and stop this political correctness that is killing us. This 911 mosque has hit a nerve in America that has reawakened the issue of the Islamic threat. It is always interesting how the enemy miscalculates […]

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For Our Australian and New Zealand Friends‏

Friends Here is a promotional vidoeo made by United Christian Broadcasters to promote the Walid Shoebat and Chuck Misler’s Kingdom of Heaven tour in Oct/Nov 2010. Please share with as many in Asuralia and New Zealand as possible. Thanks Keith

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Imam of Ground Zero Mosque: Radical Global Agenda (his own words)

Click here if you are having trouble reading this post   IMAMOF GROUND ZERO MOSQUE FEISAL ABDUL RAUF   RAUF’S MANIFESTO REGARDING TERRORISM RAUF WRITES: People asked me right after the 9/11 attack as to why do movements with political agendas carry [Islamic] religious names? Why call it ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ or ‘Hezbollah (Party of Allah)’ […]

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Refusing to Name the Enemy

August 14, 2010 By Steven Simpson (American Thinker, Click to View Original Article) On September 11, 2001, extremists hijacked four American airliners, crashing them into New York City’s World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. The tragedy resulted in 3,000 Americans dying. Does the above paragraph sound strange, deliberately vague, misleading (i.e., […]

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Walid on Sean Hannity Radio Show today‏

Friends Tune in to Sean Hannity Show today August 13, as Walid will be talking about the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and the 911 mosque based on yesterday’s shocking release. We have also lined up dozens of radio interviews on many different radio stations over next ten days. This mosque in New York at the […]

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