TWITTER: Thanks to your efforts, you our supporters, our social network is expanding at an impressive rate. Our last call for our followers to join our new “Foundation Fan Page” [] yielded great results. We need to call on everyone again. This time we need twice as many people to respond. In order to further […]
Archive | General
This category includes articles and announcements.
Obama betrays the families of Lockerbie Pan Am bombing
Friends According to a report today in the Australian Newspaper: White House backed release of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi Click below for full report If this is proven to be true it is a disgrace and the American public should be completly outraged. Bombard the white house with emails and phone calls to […]
The Walid Shoebat Foundation Joins YouTube We have had requests to make it easier to share our media with others. In addition we have had requests for viewing some of our media in full-screen mode. In order to cater to the needs of our supporters and friends, we have uploaded all of our content to YouTube. CLICK HERE TO VIEW
Walid returns to Fox News
Friends Walid will be on Fox and Friends and around 6.50 am tomorrow morning 7/21 He will discuss the 9/11 mosque and the “moderate” imam who is behind the project. Walid has been on nearly a dozen major radio interviews including Bill Handel, Brian Kilmeade and Friends, Alan Handelman and Ron Owen Show. We are […]
New Movie: Islam Rising ISLAM RISING: Geert Wilders’ Warning to the West Geert Wilders lives with a constant death threat over his head. Al-Qaeda has vowed to kill him. As a Dutch parliamentarian and outspoken critic of radical Islam, Mr. Wilders must travel with four bodyguards and sleep in a safe house, each and every night. His short […]
Walid speaking at two major venues in Hawaii this week
Friends Walid will be speaking at two major venues this week On Thursday July 8th sponsored by New Hope Christian Fellowship at 6 pm at the Farrington High School Auditorium address is 1564 North King St, Honolulu On Sunday July 11 at morning services at 8.30 am, 10.45 am and a special session at 6 […]
Expanding our ‘social’ network
We established a network on facebook for the Foundation. Please, if you have a facebook account, join the Foundation page on facebook: If you do not have a facebook account, please make one and join the page. We want to have a back-up network to contact you (our supporters) and to help bring consistent […]
What does Samuel Adams Say?
“How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!” I wonder whom we could be referring to here? “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; […]
Is the President one of Us or someone else?
General McChrystal being fired for insubordination is no shock to people in our security and military. A serious pattern, which the media is missing, has now been in process for several months. It must be pointed out that while General McChrystal’s comments were improper behavior not becoming of a commander, however being based on the […]
Shouldn’t We All Be Israelis Now?
Written by a Catholic journalist.. . Shouldn’t We All Be Israelis Now? By Kyle-Anne Shiver For the past three weeks, I’ve been on vacation, purposely avoiding news of any kind as I sought to refresh my soul. The very first thing I read upon resuming my vigil on the world’s affairs was a report describing […]
Ft Hood Memorial Convention Tickets now available online
Hi Friends Anyone wishing to attend the event in November, you can now purchase tickets online as well as special VIP tickets. In July we have lined up meetings with 56 churches in the Killeen area who have all expressed an interest as well as at least 6 churches who have already volunteered to be […]
All Jews out of Palestine
Helen Thomas the now former hanging prune of the White house press core gets her due at last. Helen Thomas goes quietly into the sunset as a well dried out plum. Helen’s speaking agent dropped her, and her employer Hearst forced her to resign, as did the White House Press corp. It seems we do […]
Hypocrisy and Insanity from all sides
Hypocrisy and Insanity from all sides It is shameful to watch Turkey lead the chants and propaganda of the world against Israel with concern to the “peace activist” Gaza flotilla. The rhetoric from the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu at the UN on June 1 2010, – “Another member state has committed a crime against […]
Gaza Flotilla was a Martydom Operation
Dear Friends For all those that wish to help Israel in the PR war we need you to help now. The Muslims are trying to use the Gaza Flotilla incident to exploit in the Propaganda war against Israel. The Gaza Flotilla was a deliberate attempt to provoke Israel and the intention was to “kill Jews” […]
911 Mosque Founder wants to Establish Shariah in USA
REVEALED IN ARABIC – GROUND ZERO MOSQUE FOUNDER RAUF WANTS TO ESTABLISH SHARIAH by Walid Shoebat Is Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf – founder of the hugely controversial Ground Zero Mosque – lying to the American public? We have uncovered extraordinary contradictions between what he says in English and what he says in Arabic that raise […]
Attack Evil To Defend Freedom
The Jews and Christians like to whine, complain, procrastinate, retreat in fear, huddle together like sheep. Our adversaries i.e. the Islamic inspired terrorists, Muslim leaders and even Muslim “allies” act with pride, insult the USA and West without fear, they are aggressive in tone and have no problem taking to the Middle East street in […]