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Israel Is Planning On Doing An Occupation Of Syria As It Has Taken Over Syrian Territory Twice The Size Of Gaza In Its Aspiration To Establish “Greater Israel”

Israel has already taken over Syrian territory that is double the size of Gaza, as it plans on an occupation of Syrian land, according to Ahron Bregman, a political scientist and former Israeli military officer. As we read in Anadolu: That claim holds little ground for Ahron Bregman, a political scientist and former Israeli military […]

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Syrian Rebels Are Now Butchering Civilians And Proudly Filming It. Syrian Rebels Take Two Men, Force Them Onto The Ground And Shoot Them Two Death. They Take Another Two Men, And Murder Both Of Them

Terrorists from the rebel faction, “Regiment 26 Maghaweer al-Sham,” are slaughtering Alawites, as can be seen in this video: There is another video filmed from inside of a car driving through Homs, in which one can hear a rebel proclaim his membership with Magaweer al-Sham and proudly announcing that the rebels are there to “comb” […]

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The Israeli Military Is Now Miles Deep Within Syria. The Israeli Government Declares: ‘We Will Not Leave Until The Area Is Stable.’

The Israeli military is now miles deep within Syria, and Israel has made it clear that they will not leave until the area is stable. As we read in Walla: After the coup in Syria, IDF forces have already positioned themselves kilometers deep into Syrian territory – this is what officers in the Northern Command […]

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Donald Trump Announces: ‘Zelensky Told Me He Wants To Establish Peace With Russia Once I Get Into Office.’

Donald Trump just recently announced that Zelensky told him that he is ready for a peace deal as soon as he enters office, as we read in the Moscow Times: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Sunday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is keen on a “deal” to end the war with Russia, after the […]

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The Russian Government Declares: ‘We Will Begin To Withdraw Ground Troops From Syria, We Ask For Turkish Assistance To Do So’

The Russian government is requesting Turkish help to withdraw Russian ground troops from Syria, as we read in the Moscow Times: Russian troops have requested Turkey’s support for their safe exit from Syria following a lightning Islamist-led offensive that resulted in regime change, CNN Turk reported Sunday. The broadcaster said that Russia would withdraw ground […]

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