By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) There is a war of fatwas and some serious cyber rattling back and forth between the Muslim Brotherhood on the one hand and the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) on the other hand. The fatwa wars erupted after Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, president of the […]
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Iraqi Christian Man Sends This Message To Americans: “They’re killing our people. They’re raping our women. We need to protect the Christians.”
By Theodore Shoebat In downtown Detroit around a thousand Christians gathered together to protest the violence done against Christians in Iraq under the hands of ISIS. They carried red crosses and signs that said, “Save the Christians of Iraq,” and were chanting, “Stop the genocide in Iraq” and “We demand action.” Bishop Francis Kalabat of […]
Obama is Blowing Dog Whistle to the Caliphate Crowd
After making an incredibly interesting observation that Barack Obama prefers to identify the group in Iraq and Syria as “ISIL” instead of “ISIS”, Fiscal Times author Liz Peek proceeded to bungle the explanation for why. She wasn’t entirely wrong but avoided the truth because it is apparently so hard for people – including her – […]
Rep. Louie Gohmert calls out Obama for Listening to ‘Muslim Brother’ advice
While appearing on a SiriusXM radio show, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) made an extremely interesting point. Specifically, he asserted that Americans cannot trust Obama’s decisions on how to deal with ISIS / ISIL because the President’s “Muslim brothers” are influencing those decisions. Whether intentional or not, Gohmert actually inched a bit closer to publicly exposing […]
Putin Wants To Destroy Communist Buildings In Russia, And Replace Them With Monasteries
By Theodore Shoebat Putin has suggested removing two old Kremlin buildings that were built over monasteries destroyed by the communists. As we read from one report: Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested pulling down a Kremlin administrative building due for renovation and restoring two ancient Orthodox monasteries that previously occupied the site. Putin made the […]
Proof America’s Muslim President LIED about ISIL
Muslim President of the U.S. Barack Obama lied about ISIL. We know this because as a Muslim, he would know the truth about who ISIL is. We also know this because he has access to far more intelligence than those of us who knew who ISIL was with far less information at our disposal. Obama’s […]
Muslim Imam Angers Italian Government With Islamic Nonsense, The Italians Decide To Throw Him Out Of Their Country
By Theodore Shoebat A imam in Italy named Abd al-Barr al-Rawdhi, made a speech inciting violence against Jews, and the Italian government determined that he was a danger to society and that he will be deported. His remarks can be heard in a film of his speech: The imam said: What is happening in Gaza […]
Putin Gets Fed Up With Obama Messing With Russia, Shuts Down McDonald’s In His Country
By Theodore Shoebat Four McDonalds have been temporally shut down in Moscow. Russian officials say that their closing has nothing to do with the US sanctions that have recently been imposed on Russia by the Obama administration. But the measure does not seem to be coincidence, nor does the Russian claim that its being done […]
U.S. about to Formally Align with Bashar al-Assad against ISIS and Politicians just can’t admit they were WRONG
Politicians just hate to admit they were wrong. Exactly one year ago today, they were clamoring for Barack Obama to launch air strikes on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad in response to the chemical attack. Now it appears that the U.S. is considering a covert alliance with Assad to fight ISIS. It no doubt pains the likes […]
ISIS Are Getting Their Butts Kicked
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi commandos inflicted heavy losses against ISIS as they took back a number of towns and villages making extensive gains against ISIS in northeastern Iraq while taking back several villages as they surrounded the large ISIS-held town of Jalawla. And the U.S. military said its aircraft […]
Two Muslims Grab 12 Year Old Christian Girl, And Gang Rape Her In Order To Show “Power Over Christian Girls”
By Theodore Shoebat Two Muslim men in Pakistan gang raped a 12 year old Christian girl in order to show “power over Christian girls”. The Christian girl worked as a maid, alongside her three sisters. As she was leaving for home from work, she was kidnapped by two Muslim men, who then gang raped her. […]
The Real History of the Crusades
As a Crusade historian, I found the tranquil solitude of the ivory tower shattered by journalists, editors, and talk-show hosts on tight deadlines eager to get the real scoop. What were the Crusades?, they asked. The Islamic world has a just grievance against the West. Doesn’t the present violence, they persisted, have its roots in […]
Muslim State Senator in Missouri wants Prosecutor who served on ‘Barack Obama Truth Squad’ Off Michael Brown Case
The St. Louis County Attorney at the heart of the latest subtext controversy relative to the Ferguson riots once promoted the Barack Obama Truth Squad. Today, demands from the black community that Robert McCulloch be removed from any case involving the prosecution of Police officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown, are […]
Kajieme Powell and Michael Brown Needed Killing
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Stealing is ok, only if you steal donuts “its just donuts … man” and what if you steal diamonds, many will still argue “its just diamonds … man” and if someone even wields a knife at police officers who were called at the scene, the police should not shoot since “he’s […]
Muslim Brotherhood says that Erdogan is as Great as Moses
By Walid Shoebat (Shobeat Exclusive) When Erdogan was visited by the top Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi he made a major blasphemy, even by Islamic standards; he called Erdogan “a man equal to Moses, the prophet”. Amazed at such sacrilege, Bahgat Albebp, the head of the Islamic Center in the city Leoben Austria […]
Christian Militancy And The Crusades Are Good, Satanic Muslim Jihad And Islam Are Evil
By Theodore Shoebat Christian militancy and the Crusades are good, satanic jihad and Islam are evil. This is what I have to say to those modern Christians who always ask me, every time I speak of Christian militancy and crusading, “What makes you so different from the Muslims and their jihad?” or to those who […]