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Muslims Take Man, Mangle Him With Sharp Stones, Pour Gasoline On His Face, And Light Him On Fire

By Theodore Shoebat A recently released video obtained by shows a man being mangled with stones by Muslims in Iraq. The perpetuators then pour gasoline on his face and light him on fire. found out from a source that the killers were Shiites and they murdered the man because his name was Omar, […]

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Muslims Make This Terrifying Statement Of Faith: “If you’re against me, then you’ll be killed. If you’re with me, you work with me. You submit to my will and obey me, under my power in all matters.”

By Theodore Shoebat A Syrian man who was part of ISIS, but then left, explained the ISIS statement of faith: If you’re against me, then you’ll be killed. If you’re with me, you work with me. You submit to my will and obey me, under my power in all matters. He also said that when […]

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Muslims Take Over Christian Area, And Cut Off Their Water Supply To Thirst Them To Death

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all members of ISIS, now control the Christian area of Qaraqosh, and have cut off the water supply that nourished the Christians there. Laith, a local Christian teacher of this area, lamented: Our lives revolve around water The Muslim jihadists went out of their way to block the pipes […]

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Muslim Doctor Takes Up Knife and Now Wants to Kill Christians

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Feisal Bin Shaman Al-Anzi is a Saudi doctor whose story sparked public controversy throughout the Middle East. His family went all over the media and were claiming that he was simply a humanitarian who treats patients at his clinic in Mosul Iraq. The questions about his whereabouts came up as […]

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Muslims Walk Into Clothing Store, And Force The Owner To Put Hijabs On The Mannequins

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Mosul, Iraq, all members of ISIS, entered the clothing stores and forced the owners to put hijabs on the mannequins. A report tells us: ISIS has ordered shopkeepers in the Iraqi city of Mosul to cover the faces of mannequins, The Associated Press reported Tuesday. The Sunni extremist group recently […]

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Expect Civilian Aircrafts To Fall From The Sky Soon As ISIS Acquired Stinger, Cobra and Strela Sophisticated anti-Aircraft Missiles

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Last month, A Fox News report titled “US-made Stinger missiles have likely fallen into ISIS hands, officials say” warned that “U.S. officials with access to the latest U.S. intelligence on Iraq told Fox News it “appears likely/probable” that U.S.-made Stinger missiles have fallen into the hands of Sunni insurgents.” And […]

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Muslims Force Christians To Pay $450 Tax If They Want To Live

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, members of ISIS, are now forcing Christians to pay a $450 tax, with refusal to pay being the death penalty. The Muslim injunction is part of the initial command from ISIS that stated: After informing the heads of the Christians and their followers regarding the date of meeting to […]

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Muslims Declare War Against Catholicism, And Attack Priests And Monks, Forcing Them To Leave Immediately

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Muslims in Iraq have declared war against Catholicism, attacking monks and priests and forcing them to leave immediately. They forced monks and priests to leave the beautiful monastery of Deir Behnam. The history of the monastery of Deir Behnam goes back to the fourth century AD and […]

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Muslims Force The Last Living Christian In Mosul To Leave, ENDING 2000 YEARS OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE AREA

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims, all members of ISIS, forced the last living Christian in Mosul to leave, ending 2000 years of Christianity in the city. It was St. Peter who gives us the oldest reference to the church in Iraq, when he wrote: The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; […]

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Muslims Charge Against Christianity, And Slaughter 150 Christians In Demonic Frenzy

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria went on the attack against Christianity, and slaughtered 150 Christians in a demonic frenzy, including their pastor. Many of the victims were taken away by the Muslims, and the pastor’s family has not been found since his death. A church member said: The family could have been abducted by […]

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Watch Muslims Giving Allegiance to ANTICHRIST

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) While the naïve who read much western style sci-fi prophecy is awaiting some computer chips and barcodes to be embedded into right hands and foreheads, in the Muslim world they are already marking their foreheads and hands, even giving allegiance to some antichrist and they are also changing set times […]

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Hindu Man Breaks In Home, Grabs A 13 Year Old Girl, Pulls Her Out And Takes Her To The Woods, And Rapes Her

By Theodore Shoebat A Hindu man in India named Suguna Devi, and his wife, broke into a home and grabbed a thirteen year old girl. Devi dragged her to the woods where he raped her. This story is just one illustration to the immense rape epidemic going on in India. A report tells us: The […]

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Muslim Families Arrange Rape Sessions For Their Children, And Sell Their Organs For Money

By Theodore Shoebat The vicious wind of poverty has struck the millions of Syrian refugees who have fled from their war torn nation into Lebanon. Many Muslim families have resorted to the unthinkable: gaining money by allowing pedophiles to rape their children. Who is helping the victims of this sort of cruelty and evil? Not […]

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Muslims Hunt Down Innocent Women And Slaughter Them All

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat As reported earlier, Muslims in Iraq took 29 women, most of whom were part of a brothel, and butchered all of them in cold blood. obtained a video of the aftermath of the carnage: PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE CHRISTIAN […]

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Antichrist Nation of TURKEY is Behind The Islamic Caliphate

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Why do we believe that the Islamic Caliphate (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq is Turkey’s baby? For Turkey, it needs the ISIS to dismantle governments then to later consume them to create its Sunni Axis and its Ottoman dream. Turkey’s master plan is to eventually sacrifice someone in its little […]

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Obama Will Sign Executive Order Forcing Christian Organizations To Hire Homosexuals

By Theodore Shoebat Obama will be signing an executive order forcing Christian organizations to hire homosexuals, since it will ban them from refusing to hire sodomites. Religious groups asked Obama for an exemption from such an injunction, but Obama refused them such a liberty. As we read from one report: The order will allow some […]

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