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Muslims Make Savage And Sinister Mass Executions, And Film Them

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a mass execution done by Muslims. Before the execution was done, the executioner said: The punishment of those who fight Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief on earth to be killed or crucified or their hands and feet cut off from or otherwise deny them the land of […]

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Muslim Man Desires To Murder His Whole Christian Family, Then Sees Jesus In a Dream And Converts To Christianity

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man named Taher desired to murder his whole Christian family, only to later have a dream of Jesus Christ and convert to Christianity. Taher is from Iran, and when his wife, daughter and son, accepted Christ, he beat them and abused them, and even threatened to kill them. Taher went […]

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Muslims Take Three Hundred People, And Butcher All Of Them In Twelve Hours

By Theodore Shoebat In the Nigerian town of Gamboru Ngal, Muslims came on the attack, and in twelve hours, butchered three hundred people. As we learn from one report: As many as 300 people were killed when a band of extremists attacked the town of Gamboru Ngala, on Nigeria’s border with Cameroon, according to local […]

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Michael Savage interviews Walid about Benghazi Email

National radio talk show host Michael Savage interviewed Walid about our latest explosive report at In essence, the ‘smoking gun’ email from White House Deputy Ben Rhodes may demonstrate a concerted effort by the Obama administration to point to a video as being responsible for the Benghazi attack but an additionally shocking revelation is […]

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There is More Sexual Abuse in The Protestant Churches Than Catholic

Tchividjian had become convinced that the Protestant world is teetering on the edge of a sex-abuse scandal similar to the one that had rocked the Catholic Church. He is careful to say that there’s not enough data to compare the prevalence of child sex abuse in Protestant and Catholic institutions, but he’s convinced the problem […]

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Muslims Steal Christian Girl From Her Parents, And Then Force Her To Become A Sex Slave For Seven Months

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A Christian girl, named Sunaila Sunny Benjamin, was kidnapped by Muslims in Pakistan and forced her to become the “wife” of a Muslim man. She was forced to become his victim of abuse and torture, both sexually and physically, for seven months. Sunaila and her Muslim friend were in a […]

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Muslims Shoot Innocent People, Behead Them While They Are In Agony, And Then Twist Their Heads Completely Off

One Al-Nusra fighter shouts: “We completed the Sharia punishment in the land of Haran,” he announces what he considers carrying out the Sharia punishment for Syrian POWs as they were being shot in cold blood. “This pig is from Deir Ba’lba” says another while the rest shout “Allahu Akbar”. But shooting the POWs wasn’t enough, […]

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Muslim Jihadist Leader: “I Abducted Your Girls. I Will Sell Them In The Market, By Allah.”

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim jihadist leader, Abubakar Shekau, has made this statement in regards to the 220 schoolgirls they abducted recently: I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah. According to parents the Muslim jihadists are now selling the girls for $12 each to other jihadists. According to one report: […]

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Obama Administration Trains 3000 Muslim Soldiers To Work For Hamas

By Theodore Shoebat 3000 Muslims have been trained by America, under the Obama administration, and are on their way to fight and work for Hamas. According to a report: 3000 Palestinian Authority soldiers/policemen are set to go to Gaza, and serve together with their Hamas compatriots, according to a report in Ma’an News. These 3000 […]

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Distribution List of ‘Smoking Gun’ Benghazi Email Included Muslim Brotherhood AGENT

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The ‘smoking gun’ email that reveals who instructed Susan Rice to blame the Benghazi attack on a video also exposes a recipient named Mehdi K. Alhassani. Alhassani was the leader of the Muslim Student Association (MSA), a Muslim Brotherhood front group and attended the sister mosque of […]

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Two Muslim Brotherhood SPIES Shatter Myth of “Interfaith Dialogue”

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The phrase ‘Interfaith dialogue’ as a tactic of Muslim Brotherhood spies is revealed once we examine the former chairman of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia. The man is Bassam Estwani. Estwani was a Board Member of the Fairfax Partnership for Youth and Board Member […]

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If Muslims Take Power, They Will Make The Lives Of Christians Into A Living Hell

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat  If Muslims ever take power, they will make the lives of Christians into a living hell. That is a guarantee. How are we so certain of this? Just look to Pakistan where Islamic jurisprudence is the governing system over the people, and you will see my point. Every Christian living […]

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Unbelievably Sad Video Shows A Line Of Martyred Christians With Weeping Loved Ones (The Liberals Definitely Do NOT Want You To See This)

By Theodore Shoebat Here is a video revealing a line of Christian corpses with their loved ones desperately weeping for them. Who killed them? Not Muslims, but Buddhists (the liberals who love Buddhism definitely don’t want you to see this) Buddhism is just as violent as Islam, and many people seem not to ever think […]

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Christian Man: “They put a gun to my head and in my mouth. I started to pray, ‘Lord my life is in your hands and I am ready to go when my time is up,’ “

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man in Egypt named Joseph was kidnapped by seven Muslims who tortured him for two days with starvation, dehydration, and beatings and physiological torture. Joseph recounted the horror he experienced: They put a gun to my head and in my mouth. I started to pray, “Lord my life is in […]

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Muslims Murder Christian Man Right In Front Of His Son, Drag His Body To The Mosque, Tie His Body And Mutilate Him

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Egypt, in the village of Dalga, murdered a Christian man right in front of his son by riddling his body with bullets, then they dragged his body to the mosque. When they arrived at the mosque, they tied his body to a tractor and then mutilated the corpse as they […]

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New Evidence Links U.S. Federal Government to FILMMAKER behind Benghazi Fiasco (Shocking)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The explosiveness of a ‘smoking gun’ email from a White House Deputy who directed then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to blame a video for the Benghazi attack is missing an essential link, a U.S. Federal informant. The man who made the inflammatory movie himself – Nakoula Basseley […]

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