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Muslims Attack Russians, Russians Fight Back And Kill Off Seven Jihadists

By Theodore Shoebat Russian security forces surrounded a house in the highly Islamic North Caucasus province of Ingushetia in which Muslim jihadists were hiding, and when the Muslims opened fire, the Russians fired back and managed to kill off seven jihadists, including a leading terrorist leader who was accused of murdering “a regional security chief […]

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Countless Muslims Get Thrown Into Cages (A Sight Every American Wants To SEE)

By Walid Shoebat Every American who is frustrated with Muslims rarble-rousing, troublemaking, terrorizing and simply are annoying would probably like to see where such folks belong in this video we just obtained from our Middle Eastern sources: You must love watching the youtube video of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood defendants all dressed in white looking like […]

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Muslims Seize Twenty Nine Poor Farmers As They Till Their Fields, And Execute Every One Of Them

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims, members of Boko Haram, in the Nigerian area of Maiduguri took 29 poor farmers as they were tilling their fields and executed every one of them. As one report states: Suspected militants from Islamist group Boko Haram shot dead 29 farm workers as they tilled their fields in remote north-east Nigeria, […]

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The Roman Catholic Church Has Saved More Jews Than Anyone On Earth

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The church is not a threat to Jewish existence, physical or spiritual – but some cannot accept that fact. Simcha Hacohen Kook, the venerable chief rabbi of Rehovot, said in an interview with the settler’s website INN two weeks ago that “we have forgotten that the pope stood beside Hitler […]

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Classified Email from White House shows Obama Behind Benghazi Coverup

By Ben Barrack The explosive contents of a White House email sent on the night of the Benghazi attacks remains classified but what is known about it appears to compound the Obama administration’s problems in attempting to explain away a ‘smoking gun’ email released last month that instructed Susan Rice to blame a video for […]

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US Government Forces Oklahoma To Overturn Anti-Sharia Bill, And To Pay $303,333 To Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat The US government has forced the state of Oklahoma to overturn its anti-Sharia bill, after a Muslim man named Muneer Awad sued the state for supposed violations against “freedom of religion.” CAIR also played a role in subverting the bill. Adam Soltani of CAIR said: Sharia is the moral code of conduct […]

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Antichrist Nation of Turkey is Advancing its Military Power

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Turkey will this year launch a “national” factory to produce its own warheads, airplane bombs and plastic explosives and soon, the fifth-generation F-35 engine for the most advanced fighter in production anywhere in the world will have the label “made in Turkey”. An while Turkey makes the engines it will […]

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Buddhists Break Into Church, Violently Seize Christians, And Force Them To Reject Christianity

By Theodore Shoebat Buddhists in the nation of Laos charged into a church and arrested 11 Christians, placing them in prison with 12 other Christians. Even the pastor was “coerced into signing a document saying the church would stop meeting.” The congregants were also not spared from such evil coercion, and were “forced to sign […]

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Mary, The Mother of Jesus, Will Tell Christ To Take Up His Sword, Commence His Second Coming And Destroy The Antichrist

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Mary will urge Christ to unsheathe His heavenly sword, to lead “the armies of the living God” (1 Samuel 17:26), and destroy the forces of the Antichrist. How can one make such a conclusion? I will make this conclusion all through Scripture and nothing else. I understand that nearly every […]

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Every Christian Must Bear Arms To Protect The Church From Her Enemies

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a video I made showing a Scriptural and biblical reason as to why every Christian must bear arms to protect the Church and her enemies: AFTER WATCHING THIS, IF YOU WISH TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CHRISTIANITY’S WAR AGAINST ISLAM AND EVIL, GET OUR NEW 2-DISK DVD SPECIAL ON CHRISTIAN […]

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Christian Woman Finds Her Husband Lying On The Floor, With Two Bullets In His Head

Posted by Theodore Shoebat A Christian woman in Iraq found her husband lying on the floor, dead, with two bullet holes in his head. It is a horrifying and very disturbing story that has been retold by her son, whose interview can be watched in this documentary on the persecution of Christians in Iraq: We […]

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The Saudi Cover-up of One of The Top Potential Pandemic Threats

“Scientists say what stands out about the MERS virus is just how little the world knows about it, even though for almost two years it has been viewed as one of the top potential pandemic threats by a global network of specialists who keep tabs on all emerging viruses.” So says Reuters in an article […]

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Muslims Butcher Thirty One Innocent People, Mutilating Them And Burning Their Flesh

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in China detonated a suicide car bomb in the middle of a crowd in Xinjiang that cut people to pieces and brought about many fires. The Muslims butchered thirty-one people and injured over ninety people. One witness heard a dozen large explosions, as opposed to just one. Police have sealed the […]

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American Muslim Beats His Wife And Murders Her For Not Cooking Him a Goat

A pliant western media that likes to differentiate between moderate islam and radical Islam just got a major hole blown in its theory. A ‘moderate’ 75 year-old muslim man is using the defense that it is customary in Pakistan to beat your wife, implying that such beatings should be allowed in the U.S. if they’re […]

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Muslims Take Christian Man, Break Off All Of His Front Teeth, Break His Fingers, And Shoot Him In The Head Twice

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Please watch this video explaining how Muslims took a Christian man named Yusuf in Somalia, broke off all of his front teeth, broke his fingers, and then shot him in the head twice: Rescue Christians has just expanded into Somalia, and we have recently rescued our first Somalian Christian. We can […]

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